
I want to write a book about HEALING EXPERIENCES, perhaps SHAMANISM: MIRACLES. See <span title=""></span>

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I am preparing to write a book about healing experiences. Although I am a primary care physician (Internal Medicine, Board-Certified) by training and temperament, I have over the last few years found that the current medical model of tests and treatments and “pill for an ill” leaves a lot to be desired. I think that the better way of healing already exists; it is inside each and every one of us, waiting to be tapped. Your participation, submissions; advice, and suggestions are invited and sincerely valued. Here’s what I’m looking for: “Miracles”. Recovery of illnesses or any conditions – physical or mental, emotional or social -- through spiritual experience of any kind, prayer, meditation, yoga, chanting, education, philosophy, discipline, breathing, contemplation, 12-steps, church, temple, ashram or anything else I missed. The kind of action on your part that could only come from something new happening inside, an evolution of thought or understanding. Mark A. LaPorta MD




  1. i strongly recommend sitting in on a few anthro classes, or picking up a degree in anthro.

  2. People study this all the time. Like Dr. Andrew Weill.

    Deepak Chopra.

    Its there.

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