
I want to write a book?

by  |  earlier

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I want to write a book, i hear you say go on then, well its not that easy and I dont mind in saying my spelling has alot to say for, i have some great ideas and a story that would be wonderful for people to read, is there anyone out there that would like to help me with this, is there any software that i could use to help me write this book?as in spelling etc




  1. Yep is for you.  People make spelling errors all the time! Never mind know that Microsoft Word does the spell checking.

    Once you're done let others know for free or you can even sell it at and or and - a selling and review section too.

    Use Bebo and Myspace too for promotion. have fun writing and good luck with it.

  2. Just use spell check- I recommend using at least 2 different spell checkers.. Use the one in your writing program (microsoft word, open office, abiword, etc) & also use the spellcheck in your email.

    After or while you're writing the book, have someone proofread it for you. This probably won't be free, but it'll be worth it. :)

  3. well, most word documents have a spell checker. you can buy a texteas disk which is a really cool word document that has loads on it and good spell checkers etc...

    good luck on your book, it took me months to come up with a good story idea!

  4. Most word processing software has spell checking.  If you want a good free program to write in, go to and download their program.  But my advice to you would be not to worry too much about spelling and just write your story.  All writers have to edit their work after it's written, and you can take care of the spelling then.  Good luck!  :)

  5. Speaking as someone who's written several books, the best thing you can do really is to find a halfway decent writer's circle where you live, or failing that find a halfway decent online crit group, of which I believe there are many. The first option is your best. Feedback and advice from other new writers as well as people with experience is utterly vital. Software can sometimes be useful, but trying to write a book for the first time can sometimes lead to a sense of despair, and people will help you a lot better with that kind of thing than any software. Good luck with the book.

    Also, check out Amazon for books on creative writing and story construction.  

  6. well microsoft word has a spellchecker you can use.

  7. I can try and help you , I don't know any programs though sorry.  If you want help just let me know!

  8. I'll help if I can, feel free to let me know, but for spelling and everything I wouldn't worry to much. If you use a computer you can spell check, to check everything. If you do make it publishers employ proof readers for their writers. They will review and if need suggest rewrites for the book.

    As a starting point get the story down and then worry about the fine detail later, the first hurdle which is the actual writing is the hardest.

  9. Microsoft word does spell checking as you go. Spelling errors don't really matter though, there are editors who get paid to fix spelling errors and stuff =]. I can help you write your story if you want! but how to keep in touch? I put a question in my answer lol whoops. Hope this helps!

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