
I want to write articles in the Daily Mail. What is the process?

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I want to write articles in the Daily Mail. What is the process?




  1. Identify people to hate...make sure they are vulnerable...aim your article at people with no brains...write it...send it off...wait for the cheque.

    For Daily Express....repeat but with less stress on the writing.

  2. Find something to write about. Get very angry and ignorant about it. Send it to the Daily Mail.

  3. Ms Minger is right. Have you written anything and had it published elsewhere? That would be a start. If not, do.

    If you have, get hold of the Features desk and tell them that you've got lots of material, that you've already been published by XY and Z, and that you'd like to send it in. Best of luck.

  4. Oh, good heavens. Seriously?

    Either train as a journalist, spend several years on local papers and apply for a job there (bearing in mind the nationals only take the very best).


    Start writing on a freelance basis and send stuff in. Good luck though - you are HIGHLY unlikely to succeed.

  5. Join the bnp,steal some money,set up a business ripping people off,go bankrupt,become an mp,fail as an mp & then live in a world where you believe everything you say or think exists,get confused,spread hatred

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