
I want to write "I love you" by " crackers " in the sky where can I buy this type of diwali crackers in pune ?

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I want to write "I love you" by " Firecrackers " in the sky. where can I buy this type of "Fire crackers" or "diwali crackers" in pune ?is it possible to get this kind of crackers in india.




  1. Guest57824

     i need "I love U " font sky crackers



  2. i think its better for u to search in each n every cracker shops of Pune or other becuase i dont think tat invension is yet done till today , by the way Whom do u want to say i love u bu crackers that also by crackers, they may not love  

  3. contact this Email  ;


  4. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

  5. it is not posibal. but u want that u go for china i think u get there . they product anyting na so ask them

  6. Everything is possible in this World.

    Just ask Sivakasi people to help you.

  7. If you want genuine crackers then it is available only in Sivakasi, Tamilnadu. You can see telephone nos or agent in your city thro them you can buy this crackers. Because if you buy duplicate crackers it is more dangerous not only for you but for all.

  8. please don't create duplicate entries with different questions and the same meaning and the same aim. Just trust yahoo answers members here, we are here to help you only. There is no need to ask the same question in different other ways.

    here is your question (First)

  9. I don't think such things exist. They only exist in movies. I know you want to show your love to someone, but there are better ways. :)

  10. why dont you try the local markets, they dont have any?

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