
I want twins...?

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is there any sientifical way to have twins like methods to increase the chance?




  1. In vitro fertilization.

  2. Why do you want twins? It's more expensive, it's harder on your body, and it's harder to manage two infants at the same time. Twin pregnancies have a lot more complications than singleton pregnancies, and there's a higher risk for birth defects.

    If you were to take fertility drugs to try to have multiples, you could end up with more than just two, which is not a risk any doctor will take. Sorry, you're just going to have to take what you can get.

  3. fertility drugs increase the chance of multiples.


  5. Twins happen one of three ways:

    1. Your body releases 2 eggs & both get fertilized - result is non-identical twins (this is genetic)

    2. Your body releases 1 egg, it gets fertilized & for some reason, it splits & you get identical twins (this is random)

    3. Fertility treatments & multiple eggs attach.

    Hope this helps!

  6. no.... maybe ur can get pregnant and spend $56 million on cloning ur newborn baby

  7. yes when folks have conceiving issues they do something they put the egg and sperm together of something then stick it in the mother but they usually do like 4 cause the chance of them surviving is low so usually one lives

    ask your doctor about it

    and if you think you want twins then you should start asking mothers of twins and looking things up about them cause

    1 baby is hard enough

  8. Nope.

    Trust God.

    Whatever you have (boy, girl, twins) there is a reason behind it.

  9. to all that say no, that is false, there are treatments around that will increase your chance of having multiples (jon and kate plus 8 anyone?) (and for all you doubters out there, there are even genetic methods to choose whether you want a boy or girl and hair color/eye color everything) but most fertilitly treatments have a high chance of multiples, so read up.

  10. Fertility treatments, you could end up vvith tvvins or sextuplets!

  11. i am a twin by genetics because my great grandma was supposed to be a twin (trust me you do NOT want twins)

    we fight alot and you have to by double of everything

  12. fertility drugs and invitro up your chances, but unless your having trouble conceiving period those likely wont be of any use to you.  be happy with what you get and hope its healthy.  thats what truely matters.
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