
I want your honest opinion do you think I'm pregnant???

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Had unprotected s*x on july 27 aug. 2 and aug. 10 (we used the pull out method) it was both of our first time we were virgins before this...


morning sickness (not puking)

b***s sore

the outer part of my nipples are darker then the rest of it

back hurts

stomach cramps

i get really bad head aces through the day

get really bad heart burn

tired and sleepy all the time

was constipated for 3 days


hungry all the time but when i smell the food i cant eat it

lost 5-10 pounds

period was 6 days late it is lite and a pinkish red color

my legs have been hurting alto lately

today my somace started hurting so bad and my legs was hurting so bad that i cried

cant eat as much as i use to

also when i go to the bathroom (#2) there is blood in it

When i feel good enought to eat i can't because im in class

but when i feel like c**p i am not in class and can get food (what should i do lol)

there are 2 other girls at my school that i just found out are pregnant

and one of them asked me if i was (1 of the girls is a bigger girl and she lost 30 pounds the other girl was really tine and is gaining weight)

i'm a bigger girl but I'm not that big i weigh 157 now (could i be pregnant and that be the reason I'm losing weight i have tried to lose weight before but it never works so i gave up)

my parents and my boyfriend parents know that i might be

so could i be pregnant?

(my mom had her period with her pregnancy's)

could i be like my mom?

any advice would be GREAT!!

no i will not have a abortion or put it up for adoption i will take the responsibilities and take care of the baby if i am pregnant and i will finish school...(i'm 15)


the only s*x ed class i have ever been in was in the 6th grade it was only a 30 minute class and just told us about how our bodys would change

i go to school in virginia

i'm in the 10th grade




  1. No one but a doctor can tell if you are pregnant. You should take a test, and even then you can't rely on that test. No matter what you should go to the doctor because they are the only ones that can tell if you are or are not pregnant early. If you aren't you should go to planned parenthood, your doctor (if you aren't pregnant the doctor should be able to examine you and give you a reason for your ailments at that time as well), or another women's clinic and look into getting birth control (condoms! or the pill etc.) You can easily get it free and confidentially and it's much safer than the pull out method. In addition to getting birth control you should use a condom for extra protection and protection from sexually transmitted infections. Schools in Wisconsin (where i'm from) educate students about safe s*x practices such as the pill, patch, condoms, etc.., unfortunately they don't everywhere so educating yourself is the first step.

  2. OMG thats crazy, im 15 also and im having most of your symptoms too, and i had unprotected s*x like 2 weeks ago.

    Im glad you would take the responsiblility of having a baby.. i would too

    Well good luck with everything!! and if you ever need to just talk you can email me at

  3. yup your gone you need to have a talk with you parents and you should never practice unprotected s*x

  4. I think it is wonderful you are willing to step up and take responsibility for your actions. All you can do is wait for your period. Doesn't come take a test. Go from there. GL

  5. s*x ed or not, i'm pretty sure that you knew if you have s*x you might get pregnant! anyway, if your parents already know then why not go take a test? your symptoms could go either way. a lot of them can be related to your period, and others to constipation. only way to know for sure is to get a test at the doctor or clinic. i'm glad you will keep the baby (if there is one) and still do your best to finish school and give the both of you a good life! but get checked, and if you are not preggo then get on the pill if you plan to keep having s*x! you are only a teen for a short time, you will be a grown up forever... plenty of time to have kids later on! enjoy your last few years as a kid!

  6. uh oh. Im so sorry your in this. Contact your physician or Doctor immediantly. And buy pregnancy tests. You might be pregnant

  7. It sounds like you could be. We will not be able to tell you. Take a test and talk to your mom and tell her to make you an appointment. I'm glad to hear you are willing to take care of the baby, if you are indeed pregnant. Please practice SAFE s*x!!!! It will save you in the long run.

    -A'lela Malia-Rai

    (what I want to name my daughter)

    Stay strong girl!

  8. tell your parents and go to the doctors. just because you have some symptoms of being pregnant, doesnt mean that you are but you should still make sure. something more serious could be wrong.

  9. you need to take a test. we arent doctors, we cant determine if you are or not. i had pregnancy symptoms before and found out that i had cysts in my breast that was messing up my body and making me sick. so you need to take a test. and if it shows up negative, then u need to go to the doctors

  10. im 14 and and i got pregnant in 8th grade. yes it sounds as if u are pregnant. go to the ob/gyn and get a blood test that would be accurate. good luck babygirl.  

  11. Take a test.  And don;t blame school not teaching you about s*x.  You seem to have succesfully managed to have s*x so that wasn't the problem was it ?    And you seem to know an awful lot about pregnancy as well so stop using the "wasn;t taught it" excuse.

  12. i'm sorry about your story, hopefully you arent. unfortunately there are chances, there is precum. your probably just really nervous, so that is one major cause of a late period and a lot of those symptoms, such as the cramps. my girlfriend just got her period today after being late for 4 days, and she had heavy stomach pains. so it might be.

  13. sounds like it, take a test.

    and think of adoption just for the sake of the baby, it can be open so you can still see the baby and they'll know your mom, but it'll have a much better life, unless you have a high paying job, your rich or mom and dad are gonna step up to the plate and play nanny while your at school. sorry but ur gonna get alot of c**p for being young and pregnant expecially with no s*x ed, you don't know what it takes to have a baby and to raise it, you'll go through $200 or more in diapers a week. let alone food and clothes and dr.s visits.

  14. From the sounds of it I think you may be.  I am a mother of 4 and I had my first child at the age of 15 and it was our first time having s*x so i know what you are going through.  All of your symptoms are about the same that I had experience.   I was a teen mom my whole time in high school.  I got pregnant with my second child 1 year after i had my first.  I had my second at 17, my third at 19, and my fourth at 21.  I finished high school with two kids and one on the way.  I also completed college and received my associates in nursing one month before i had my last child.  Me and there father later married and is still living a happy life together.  he is my first my last my everything.  He to finish high school and went to the same college to received his associates  in early childhood development. Never let anyone tell you that your life is over because you had a child early.  Keep your head up and stay strong. GOOD LUCK

  15. Honestly I think you might be..but the only way to get a clue if you are or not is if you take a test!! and yes if it comes out negative go see a doctor because if your not pregnant that's definately not normal...

  16. sounds more like you are dealing with guilt, the pulout method is useless and the only way to know for sure is to take the test.and stop it till you know more about what your doing  

  17. There is a good chace that you might be. In any case you should talk to your mother,that way she can take you to the doctor's. There you can get a check up and see if you are. If your not then maybe you can decide if you want any birth control. I'm a mother of 3, 2 are girls and when they decide to have s*x I want them to come to me and talk about it,so I'm sure your mom wont mind.  

  18. Wow, you're very descriptive.  Here's the one here can tell you if you're pregnant.  You have to take a pregnancy test.  Go to the drugstore and buy one, better yet go to the doctor.  And you don't need to take s*x ed to know that unprotected s*x can lead to pregnancy.  If it turns out you're not pregnant why don't you go get some protection, better yet don't bother having s*x.  Protected or not s*x leads to babies!

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