
I want your opinion or arguement on this ...?

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Induestries are increasingly replacing humans with robots in work that is repetitive or dangerous, How ever many argue that this takes jobs away from people who need them.Do you think robots are a good idea?

explain why and my not or why and why not

feel free to research to support ur answer and all.




  1. Robots are a bad thing, kuz people with no job or got replaced by a machine or robot, are becoming Chomeurs and that's a really bad thing, no social relationship between human and human will happen anymore, only between Men and Machines, machines should be helping the companies's employees not replacing them... after all Men made the machine, a human will always be smarter than a machine...

    There's a lot to explain... contact me if you need more information...

  2. Robots are a bad idea. After all, if we create robots that do everything for us we'll become lazy and obsolete.

  3. Hi

    It's all about the $$. Companies have learned that their insurance premiums( and work comp claims) stay down when robots are used - plus robots are invincible. Not that I agree- but if you think about it robots are the perfect solution for manufactuirng jobs.

    They pay for themselves ten times over - do human employess offer that?

    I feel we should focus on the issue of out sourcing our jobs - it's time for all of that to stop.

  4. Of course the people need the jobs, but if companies can find faster and cheaper ways to do something they are going to do it.  Even the most compassionate companies will lay off their workers if they can replace them with something that just needs to be fixed every now and again.  

    Bad for the people, heck yeah, but perhaps it would encourage the people who lost their job to pursue something bigger.  Maybe they will return to school (or something else) make their lives better?  (I'm assuming that the factory workers never finished college, high school dropouts or something of the like.  So don't hate on me lol)

  5. Absolutely not.

    The number of people diagnosed with obesity is increasing rapidly.

    Why? Because we're lazy and human himself is becoming much too complex, and it's only affecting us ... For example, lawnmowers .. you mow the lawn .. while sitting. Enough said.

    And not only that, but the fast food is not even completely real food and us lazy asses say, "Well, hey. I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out!" There's another reason why some of us are walking pieces of lard.

    But back to the point, I think what we have is more than enough. A robot it most definitely not needed. If we invent robots, we'll taking too much advantage of it and do easy everyday things that we can manage to do ourselves, but, "Why do it, when a robot can do it instead?"

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