
I want your opinion? please let me kno thanks! =]?

by Guest62668  |  earlier

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The battle was fought.

The soldiers have left the field

all that is left is the blood stained grass

But the battle is still occuring in the hearts of the soldiers

The scars of what was

what will be

will never escape their mind

but how i ask, do we assess the weak from the strong

simple is the answer for the weak never completly heal

the weak will weep for iternity never allowing the past to truly be the past

the weak are what was

and they envy what is

the strong differ greatly from the weak

for they are what is

and they know what was

they weep for what was

but never envy what will be

for they know they are what will be

so again i ask

when will the weak heal

will they ever

was the heart torn to the ends of no avail

is the weak strong enough to dig within

will they find it within them self to heal

or do they want to be trapped in the past of what was

never able to enjoy what is to come




  1. It is very nice it toches the heart but it would be better if it just was not really about people battiling with there exes then it would be a bit better but i like it that you are helping your freind with that poem

  2. Wow!

    So I am really in to poetry and things like that and I also write and I am 15 turning 16 soon.

    I really like this. You say it's about an ex?

    It doesn't seem like it is that's why i like it.

    I mean it gives the people reading it suspense and keeps them thinking.

    You def. are good at writing.

    Just correct some spelling and grammar and you are good


  3. Spruce up your poem-- correct some spelling , good story, keep on tying, you've got something there!!  Cheers!!!

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