
I wanted Lucky Charms cereal and my husband got me the generic Marshmellow Treasures instead?

by  |  earlier

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He said he was going to the store to get some things and then asked me if I wanted something and I said I would love a box of Lucky Charms and then he brings home Marsmellow Treasures and I told him I didn't want to eat that and now he says I am being ungrateful but he did that to save a dollar and I never do that to him. What should I do?




  1. You should get over it.  I agree with him


  2. dont eat them and whnever he asks u to get him something get him the cheapest **** u can find n if he tells u n e thing be like oH u deserve the best bt i dont??

  3. Eat the cereal that he bought you.  However the next time he asks you for something from the store be sure to buy the generic brand of it.

  4. eat the friggen marshmallow Treasures there the same thing...

    spoiled brat

  5. generic is the same it just don't have the same pic on the box...i agree with your husband........

  6. Say thanks. Go to the fridge, grab some milk, open the box, eat some cereal while you watch tv. You probably won't notice much of a difference if you're distracted.

    Then next time, be specific that you want name brand, not generic.

    That's what doctors do when they don't want a pharmacist substituting generic for brand name.  Generic medications are by law only 20% stronger or weaker than the brand name. Same goes for cocoa puffs. Sort of.

    If docs have to write DAW (dispense as written) if they want brand name, why shouldn't you?

    Smile. It's not that big of a deal.

    - by the way, do you hear all of these females wanting you to make a big deal out of it? wanting you to run your mouth and ruin the day for both you and your husband? why do men cheat you ask? this is how it starts.

    "It's better to be silent and thought to be a fool, than open your mouth and prove it."

  7. eat the d**n thing so what it's cheap maybe he is saving a penny here & there and look that's why ur suppose to do the shopping my husband buys cheap that way i know if i want something i make sure i go to the store and get it but it's not worth getting upset over something that stupid just chalk it up as a lessoned learned.

  8. Go back to the store and buy your own d**n box of cereal that you like....LOL  I like Captain Crunch.... the generic doesn't taste the same....

  9. Eat the d**n cereal, you sound more like a child than you do an adult. Since you hurt his feelings, he probably won't bring you anything next time.

  10. Explain to him there are some things that you will not compromise on. When you give him a brand name, that is what you mean.

    Also, ask him how is it saving money, if no one eats it. Then you have wasted the cost of the total product.

    I agree with you, I have spent time training my husband.

  11. If you were craving Lucky Charms, then the generic has got the same stuff in it anyway.  Eat it and be grateful that he is a conscientious spender.  He could have not bought you any at all.  Don't punish the man for saving a dollar AND asking if you wanted anything from the store while he was there.

  12. Tell him "THANK YOU". He tried, some guys wouldn't even do that!  

  13. Eat them! Good lord!

  14. Next time he asks for something from the store that you usually buy in a name brand, bring him the generic.  Let's see how he likes it!  Some generics are ok, but for some things it has to be the name brand.  Margarine is my thing.  It has to be Parkay or nothing!

  15. cereal is one of the few things i won't buy generic. i have to agree with you. it just doesn't taste right.

  16. its not worth getting divorced over!

    lucky charms???? are you 12????

    if u r going to argue over lucky charms should u b married at all?


    Your Hubbies a cheap ****!

    you should found that out b4 marrying him it would a saved a lot of hassle

    Or was it an arranged marriage?  

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