Tasting the Four Elements
In a ritual adapted from a Yoruba tradition, the bride and groom taste four flavors that represent different emotions within a relationship. The four flavors typically used are sour (lemon), bitter (vinegar), hot (cayenne), and sweet (honey). By tasting each of the flavors, the couple symbolically demonstrates that they will be able to get through the hard times in life, and, in the end, enjoy the sweetness of marriage.
How/when should I incorporate it into my wedding??? Before, after, during the ceremony??? I don't plan on having a bunch of cayenne, that's not smart...Perhaps a small amount. Besides, we eat hot sauce at least 3 times a week. We can handle that. Also...honey is last...so I shouldn't have any bad taste in my mouth...I was thinking of having a small amount on like a tiny spoon...like the ones that come with the tiny cups of ice cream. a good amount of honey...a little of everything else.