
I wanted to go homeschooling, but my parents didnt want me to, they want me to go to public school though...?

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What should I tell them?




  1. You cannot go secretly.  In order to do home schooling, your parents have to agree to take on the responsibility to provide your education on their own.  They have to agree to report the curriculum they are using and show your work and test results.  It it a lot of responsibility as well as a huge commitment of their time.  You need to discuss with your parents WHY you want them to home school you.  Are you having problems with your grades?  Are you having social problems?  Home schooling isn't a quick fix, nor is it always the best solution to the problem  It is also not free, your parents would be responsible for purchasing an approved curriculum.  You really need to have a serious discussion with your parents about why you want to do this, if there are better solutions and how much time and money they have to home school.  Good luck.

  2. As a parent who home schooled my children I agree with gimpy..though my kids never lack for socialization with other kids.I was a missionary and my kids saw a lot and did a lot.This must be a decision with parents and yourself. If you have a real issue with public school share that with your folks. Remember your folks have been to school and have experienced the pressure of it all. There are ways to be home schooled that won't cost too much,but requires more work on the part of your folks. So first, you must talk to your folks.

  3. go to a public school,home teachins expensive,plus youll meet people man,have fun

  4. You can't do it secretly, but if your parents are open to discussing it, let them know the problems you are having in school and how you think homeschooling will help.  Present the information logically and respectfully.

    See if they would be open to reading some of this information on statistics, etc.:

    Show them some programs you feel may work for you:

    If they decide they still want you in public school, go and do your best and show them you are mature and can be trusted.  Sneaking behind their back won't do you any good.

    Good luck!

  5. just say u feel bad around other ppl...i have independent studies but i never go...theres always hella fights...and regular skool is better kus u get to see more girls...

  6. You can not homeschool secretly. First of all, if your parents have signed you up for school and you are a minor, then you have to be there or you are considered truant. Secondly, you'd be creating a huge breach of trust between you and your parents by doing something like that. Do you understand what I mean? YOU WOULD BE CHOOSING TO BE DECEITFUL (A LIAR) AND UNTRUSTWORTHY. You really want to be a liar? Someone who can't be trusted?

    Just because you want to be homeschooled doesn't mean you should be. You can talk to your parents more about it, ask them why they think you shouldn't homeschool, ask them if they are open to hearing why you think you should and if they are open to reading and learning more about homeschooling. Then take it from there.

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