
I wanted to help my family have fun but this happened...?

by  |  earlier

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We went to a great mall today. I was the one who wanted to go. So when we went, all we got there was 2 books for my dad and a shirt for me. And my parents barely talked to me and my bro. All they talked about was boring things and what my dad did at work and blah blah blah! My family never does anything fun! Never! I wanted this to be a fun day for my family because we wanted to do fun stuff since its Labor Day Weekend. But I got really disappointed when we left. I almost cried in the car. And now we are home and I cried for like 15 minutes. Any idea to cheer me up or help me help my family?




  1. IDK, you shoulda found a fair or some c**p to go to. Most families are not fun. Only on tv and stupid disney movies.

    Parents usually hate going to the mall with their kids.  

  2. Go on vacation(: Cruises. are always the best.

  3. umm go to the movies maybe that will help it puts me in a good mood

  4. go to the park

  5. Aw I am sorry but do something FUN that all of you guys like...liek have a picnic

  6. Any relationship has ups and downs. Especially family ones. Right now you are young and things change as you become a teenager, a lot of people end up with terrible relationships with their family. It sounds to me like you really love your parents and your brother and you want everyone to be happy which is very good. Things will get better, they will. I think it's great that you care so much. Just don't stop trying. Every family needs someone to try.

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