
I wanted to know how a radio signal is transmitted and also how is it received and turned back into sound?

by  |  earlier

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i also want to know on a radio how is sound turned into a radio wave? please answer my question.




  1. Einstein said that radio was like a long cat .  You pulled it;'s tail in NY and it meowed in San Francisco, only without the cat.  Seriuosly try the websites gearbox and DUH recomend.

  2. Your question would fill 6 pages by itself and I'm one of the electrical types Duh is refering to.

    How stuff works is about your best source...

  3. As the man says, your question is way too much for YA - although one of our more energetic engineering types may want to take a shot at it.

    In addition to the other link (above) just plug "radio," "radio transmission" and/or "radio electronics" (without the quotes) into your favorite search engine.

    There's one at the top of every Yahoo page or go to

    -a guy named duh

  4. will explain everything you need to know.

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