
I wanted to know if anyone knows who to call about starting a plant on my farm for my menure? to power my farm

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I wanted to know if anyone knows who to call about starting a plant on my farm for my menure? to power my farm




  1. If you live in a warm climate, you can simply download plans. There are about 20,000 dung digesters in Bangladesh built with simple materials.  You will also find good sources of information from India.  

    I live in Canada, which is a bit colder.  My research group put together a proposal for 2009 to adapt natural water treatment system to work in cold climates.  The results will be in the public domain, if funded. One of the byproducts is methane.  Here is a partial list of references that we used to design our system.

    Bosnic, M., J. Buljan, R.P. Daniels (2000) Pollutants in tannery effluent. US/RAS/92/120 Regional Programme for Pollution Control in the Tanning Industry in South-East Asia. UNIDO.

    Environment Canada (2003) Onsite Wastewater Management Systems Regulation: The Environment Act, C.C.S.M. c.E125.

    Craggs, R.J., C.C. Tanner, J.P.S. Sukias and R.J. Davies-Colley (2003) Dairy farm wastewater treatment by an advanced pond system. Wat. Sci. Tech. 48(2): 291-297.

    Green, F.B., L.S. Bernstone, T.J. Lundquist and W.J. Oswald (1996) Advanced integrated wastewater pond systems for nitrogen removal. Wat. Sci. Tech. 33(7): 207-217.

    Oswald, W.J. (1990) Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond Systems. In Supplying Water and Saving the Environment for Six Billion People, Proceedings of the 1990 ACSE Env. Eng. Div. Conf., eds. U.P. Singh and O.J. Helweg, Amer. Soc. Civil Eng.: New York.

    Peng, J., B. Wang and L. Wang (2005) Multi-stage pond-wetlands ecosystem for effective wastewater treatment. J. of Zhejiang Uni. Sci. 6B(5): 346-352.

    Shelef, G. (1982) High-rate algae ponds for treatment and protein production. Wat. Sci and Tech. 14(1/2): 439-452.

    Tadesse, I., F.B. Green and J.A. Puhakka (2004) Seasonal and diurnal variations of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen in advanced integrated wastewater pond system treating tannery effluent. Water Res. 38: 645-654.

    Water Environment Federation (2001) Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment: WEF Manual of Practice FD-16, 2nd Edition. WEF: Alexandria.

    Wilkie, A.C. and W.W. Mulbry (2002) Recovery of dairy manure nutrients by benthic freshwater algae. Bioresource Tech. 81(1):81-91.

    Wong, M.H., K.M. Hung and S.T. Chiu (1996) Sludge-grown algae for culturing aquatic organisms: Part II Sludge-grown algae as feeds for aquatic organisms. Environmental Management 20(3): 375-384.

    Zhang, Q. (2006) ARDI 04-534,

  2. search with google using

    biodigester farm grants

    and the name of your state or country

    heres a rough 'how to make';

  3. Check out the they just had a segment about this this morning.  It will probably give you sources on getting started.

  4. Methane farming?

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