
I wanted to know if my deck is tournament worthy?

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my deck is


VW tiger catapult

white horned dragon

gilford the lightning

the creator

blue eyes white dragon

soul of purity and light

w wing catupalt

v tiger jet


the creator incarnate

lyla lightsworn sorceress

garoth lightsworn warrior

jain lightsworn paladin

freed the brave wanderer

gene warped warwolf

grey wing

penguin soldier

chainsaw inscet

black stego


kaiser seahorse


mask of the accursed

monster reborn

reinforcement of the army


heavy storm

diffrent dimention capsule

mystical space typhoon

book of moon

swords of revealing light

nobleman of crossout

lightning vortex

fairy meteor


enemy controller

book of taiyou

tribute to the doomed

luminous spark

giant trunade


threatening roar

windstorm of etaqua

trap jammer


magic jammer

torrental tribute

rising energy

trap hole


negate attack

fairy's hand mirror

sakuretsu armour

magic cylinder




  1. since ur using tribute monsters, u can use "treeborn frog"

    since it respawns every turn, it can be used as tribute fodder repeatedly (for monsters such as gilford which need 3, its rly helpful to have something like that)

    other than that it looks good

  2. i would really suggest a hinotama or 2

  3. This deck is no where near tournament ready. You have too many cards. Most of them should never belong in a deck, and you have no theme. A deck needs to be consistent and efficient. I suggest the first thing you do is pick a theme: Dark, Lightsworn, Monarch, Gladiator Beast, Machine, etc. Then put in cards that should be in every deck like Heavy Storm, Monster Reborn, etc and then put in only stuff that will support it to its full potential. Just don't throw in every card from the theme, just pick the best ones.

  4. nope...too many cards

  5. so many useless cards in one place its BUT WAIT there isnt a theme soo make one

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