
I wanted to start a retail business in india would any one suggest me which 1 shall i go for?

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I wanted to start a retail business in india would any one suggest me which 1 shall i go for?




  1. I don't know about retail?......but you might as well start a call center connected to a US company like all the other corporations obviously do...ha

  2. y dont u go for cosmetics?

  3. automobiles wouldn be a bad idea

  4. Starting biz in India with such a competetive environment..especially in retail where u r going to  see the intense competition in few many more players coming up  in various streams....but as u placed in hyderabad..well don't know the consumer structure.....

    as u didn't specified ..what ur best in...and how much funds ur gong to  infuse it..

    anything which sells like hot always the right thing for retail...first of all u nned to know the mindset of peoples..around where u r planning to  set shops...

    try to do some kind of research where u learn about tastes..of peoples..and thier habits..and start..collecting stuff like it.. i.e if there are many youngsters down ur lane u  can sstart ur own gift galley where u  can provide each and every product related to  youth keep on trying differnet things...

    as u took india in ur scenario:try to  grab few cities first..then jump big things..don't jump  too  far or u  will ..simply crash ...

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