
I was 14 years old and I gave may baby for adoption and then I change my mind then she was stolen from me.?

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I was 14 going to 15 and Imy dad had a strok well I was going to keep my baby till me family said well you know every thing under the sun to stop me from keeping it only to find out that my aunt jill was looking to get her. well long storey short she was born some time passes were i had been living for the term of the pregnantcy I got kicked out, 1 days passed I had 42 house to make up my mind well I called my aunt up and told her that I did not want to do it, He exact word where to fuc------- bad she is mine now. Well I got on the phone with the number they provided for me and that turned out to be a bad number. I gess what my question is she is ten now will I ever be able to live with out this hurting my hart every time I see her. We have an open adoption and they are not allowing me to see her. I need help being able to get some time with her. How can I get help to get a lowyer do you know any one that could help me please.





    You need a lawyer. Search for open adoption lawyers tell them what happened and what you want now. They should be able to lead you in the right direction. Usually consultations are free. If your lucky you will find a lawyer willing to do it pro bono. Good Luck.

  2. I think you could use the listening ear of other mothers who've walked in your shoes.  You're not alone.  Take care of you x

  3. It's a hurt that never heals, until you can reunite. Get some counseling. Do you get to see your daughter or is she completely out of your life? Do you want to uproot her from the only family she has ever known? The decision is yours, get a lawyer, if you want to try to get her back.

  4. so your 24 and cant spell? or write a constructive paragraph?

  5. you may have been mis informed when someone told you what open adoption ment.  It only means that you and the adoptive parents get to meet each other.  

    So unless you have a court order saying that you have visitation rights and when and where the are, the adoptive parents do not have to let you see the baby.  Sucks yes, and sad i know.

    Did your aunt legally adopt her..?  Or did she just keep her and not give her back.  that is illegal if she did.  

    I say this being on your side.. What have you been doing for the last 10 years to get her back..?  

    You were 14/15 when she was born and she is not 10 meaning you are in your 20's.  ??

    Get a lawyer!!

  6. I was 14 going on 15 and pregnant.My dad had a stroke. Well,I was going to keep my baby. My family said everything under the sun to stop me from keeping it .I found out that my aunt Jill was wanting her. Well long story short she was born .Some time passes. I got kicked out of the place I had been living for my pregnancy. A day pass's. I had 42 hours to make up my mind.I called my aunt up and told her that I didn't want to do it. Her exact words where to fuc------- to bad she is mine now. I got on the phone with the number they provided for me and that turned out to be a bad number. She now 10 years old.My question is will I ever be able to live without this hurting my heart every time I see her. We have an open adoption and they are not allowing me to see her. I need help being able to get some time with her. How can I get help to get a lawyer ? Do you know any one that could help me ? please.

  7. I gave up my son 3 years ago at his birth,  i still miss him and almost feel guilty about letting him go but he is in a safe and happy place. If you gave up your rights as a mother then there is nothing you can do to get her back, but if the adoption is an open one and you have it on paper then you need to get a lawyer. Best of luck, email me if you have any other quiestions... its always going to hurt.

  8. if nothing has been signed ect and the adoption has not een done thru courts/ solicitors then you can get her back. go to the police!  im sure people will understand you was young and the preasure u was put under. good luck with getting her back. just keep fighting dont give up on her!

  9. just want to say a couple things..first off....I'm sorry this happened to you and for the pain you feel..I don't know what you can do really...but some people on here actually know what they are talking about...and the last thing...ignore the people that want to be rude or insult you for the lack of spelling etc...some people take their heart out and put it on the floor...before sitting on their butts to give advice...if a person doesn't know the answer and the only thing they can muster up is insults...they should really just go to the next question...instead of trying to look so much may be smarter..but for sure have no consideration,heart..and no understanding of another individuals need more then education...Now back to you...I hope you find your answers...and wish you the very best

  10. If you gave up your baby for adoption, you legally lose custody of the child.  Thus, you cannot say that he or she was stolen.  I think if you go practice vipassana meditation at, you might be able to understand yourself better.

  11. Go to the police and show all the paper work you have. Thats kidnapping

  12. i can not send you an e-mail. yours is set to private. i chose to give a baby up for open adoption at 16, and i will be happy to share my experience with you and give you my advice if you send me an e-mail. it's pretty personal, i do not really want to get into on here where it can be read by anyone.

  13. yeah right

  14. Honey, an open adoption only means that you get to meet the adopting parents.  They don't have to let you see your daughter.  I believe that they have to send you pictures of her though.

    You need to find "legal services" in your community that does pro bono work (for free).  You can look in your telephone book or call an attorney's office (they should be able to direct you).

    If you find you have no rights, you'll have to wait until she turns "18" then she can find you.  You can write a letter to her and mail it to your state's capital - Vital Statistics (where she can ask for a copy of her birth certificate).  They will give her the letter when she asks for her birth certificate (that is the way it is here in Alaska).

    I understand your grief (I gave up my son for adoption), but hang in there okay.  I suggest you go to see a counselor (find one that offers a sliding scale fee if you don't have a lot of money) so you have someone to talk to about this - someone that can help you.

    Take care of yourself honey, and don't let the mean and sarcastic people get you down.

  15. You need a family lawyer. Look in your local phone directory. It doesn't cost money to ask questions.

    Best of luck to you!

  16. I am so sorry your own family is doing this to you.  How horrible!  You were good enough to get your baby from you, but now they are shutting you out?  That's just awful.  I would consult a lawyer.  Get all the paperwork you have, find out if there's any way to legally enforce the original adoption agreement (whatever adoption agreement there was).  You need to find out what your options are, legally.

    If worse comes to worse, you'll have to bite your tongue and play nice, for the sake of you and your daughter...these people sound jealous and greedy, and your only hope is to play into their insecurities.  Hopefully in a few years she'll be able to make up her own mind and realize how she was treated like a piece of meat in a wolfpack.

    Good luck, I am so sorry for your pain.

  17. some things you say dont make sense

  18. I am sorry for your loss and sorry so many people are being rude to you about your spelling and grammer. Idiots.

  19. That is awful but I am afraid that since so much time has past it would only hurt the child more being yanked out of an environment that she is used to since you waited 10 years. I would try to see if you can get supervised visitation but it depends on the statues in your state.

  20. first off I see you didn't learn anything in school.

    (at least not how to spell.)

    No one can help you but get off yer butt in front of the computer, look up legal aid in the phone book and get to work.

  21. You should really think hard about what you're thinking of doing.

    You were very young when you had the baby, and it's better for THE CHILD that someone else raised her.

    You should not feel guilt about this, and I think that's what is motivating you to do this.

    My mom gave up her child for adoption at 15, and it was the best, most loving thing she could have done for that baby.

    You have nothing to feel guilty about, and I understand your anger with your aunt, because of how she acted, but it's not right to s***w up the kids life, just to get back at your aunt.

    I think you should move on with your life.

    When she grows up and is ready for it, I'm sure she will contact you.

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