
I was NEVER curious about drugs till my brother got into it and now I can't STOP thinking about trying them?

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I just posted this question in another forum, but anyway... (and I don't really count marijuana as a drug btw so if u answer, just kind of leave that one out of the discussion)...but he is going to a rave in two weeks and EVERYONE there is going to be on Ecstasy ("E"), I am SO curious to try it I can't stop thinking about it. I did it once like 6 months ago, but I almost don't even remember the feeling really.

I would be extremely cautious if I did id (i'd only do like 1/2 a pill or one pill TOPS), but...

He's tried cocaine and ecstasy and,of course, weed, but it bothers me cuz he used to be a "good boy" and he still is for the most part. He just uses drugs recreationally, but I used to NEVER be curious about drugs EVER, and I just can't stop about trying them now.

Am I doomed to try them? Why can't I get my mind off them? I was a straight A student in high school, never even DRANK before 21. I am now almost 23 and am actually thinking about doing a couple drugs, just for the experience (well, actually just ecstasy, not anything more hardcore than that)...

I don't know...I wish i could stop being so curious, but I feel like his influence has really rubbed off on me. He's almost 27... I'm such a normal good girl in every way, but I can't help but be curious...Are drugs really that bad??




  1. ok. i've been smoking weed since i was 15. i'm almost 22 now. i've only tried two other drugs: x and coke. x i've done four times, didn't really care for, usually overpriced.. not to mention the fact that i was pretty disappointed after watching a few friends absolutely lose it after taking 2 pills, after doing it myself i know they were putting on somewhat.. it didn't make me super horny or even make me act differently.. i was extremely happy, kind of a dizzy (but good!) feeling.. me and coke had a torrid love affair for about a month, i lost 15 pounds and woke up one day horrified that it had 'grabbed' me like everyone told me it could. i should have known--my parents have destroyed their lives because of drugs, mainly meth. and i don't give a d**n what anyone says, addictive personalities ARE somewhat hereditary. not to mention just growing up in a household where drugs are generally accepted (no, i'd never hit a line in front of my mom, but we have passed countless joints, and i watched her rip up the carpets in our house, geeked out of her mind, up on meth for day three--the smell of it cooking still lingering in the house). if you think you can handle it, go for it--as far as x, i've never heard of anyone, even old club friends i have, being really 'addicted' to x or even craving it. coke--just thinking about it makes my nose itch, god it's great but so expensive and extremely addictive, NOTHING good will come of it, ever. weed, i think everyone should smoke every day. anything else--stay away.

    i smoke weed when i can. i don't really go out of my way to buy a bag anymore, but if it's there, i smoke it. i'm a normal, functioning,  productive member of society--a proud army wife, a good mother, a full time employee, a student. that doesn't mean everyone is, though. drugs are illegal for a lot of reasons, but the majority of it is the stupidity and lack of self control in the general public. not only that--but even after watching my parents go through h**l, i still--ALMOST, not quite--about lost it to coke. some drugs really are bad.

    the thing about it is, every drug is a gateway drug. i was proud that i never tried anything but weed but eventually ended up strung out. doing drugs will bring you into bad situations with even worse people. you'll get offered all kinds of stuff, you'll be hanging out with people who would rob and maybe even hurt someone for that next high. not saying they are all like that, but i've been in some crazy **** i had no business being involved in--just trying to buy a sack of green.

    so, yeah. don't get swept away, it happens so fast.. go for it though. drugs can be fun, in moderation and when used properly. just remember that curiosity killed the cat. :)

  2. Ya everyone I know and I know alot of ppl and everyone of them that were pretty much good kids all were "curious" and thought ill just try it because ppl seem to be doing it alot and I wonder what its like so they try it once and guess what not one of the ppl i know have stopped once they started they never stopped only one did only because hes dead from X  so ya i wouldnt if i were u but im not so its your decision now but your probably thinking nah i can quit if i want to its not like i can be addicted all i have to do is quit well trust me it dont work like dat gurl

  3. well if you are gonna do E i would just do 1 pill and not do it again for at least a while but if u ever do wanna get high just smoke weed  

  4. dont even think of trying. youll regret it.

  5. hmm well if you want to stop being so curious take a hit and be cautious about it :]] GOOD LUCK babe.  

  6. Curiosity killed the cat and that is not being immoral dear.

  7. i think everyone is curious at somepoint wether it be that they want to see what it feels like or why some one else is into them. its a hard thing to deal with when you get to the point of addiction, it doesnt affect only the user, it affects everyone around the user as well family freinds people who care. ive used cocaine, crystal, different pills...etc, i started having an addiction to the cocaine, i couldnt even watch intervention if they were showing someone with it, it made my heart race and i got all shaky, my hands would sweat. you say curiosity is just nagging you to try, imagine what it would be doing to you if you became addicted? youll never get the same high once you start using regularly. and you can try all you want it just wont be as good as that first buzz, and i say this with all sincerity...there is no such thing as being cautious when using... i knew some one who knew some one that only tried x once! jus popped one pill, and his friends left for about an hour to go pick up some other people and bring them back to the house, well he wasnt alive when they got back they found him slumped over the coffe table. drugs effect people in different ways, even if you have used that same drug before, there is no garuntee that you get drug again and it is the same, even if you know your connection and they always had good ****, there will always be that one day u get somthing bunk, or worse its gonna have **** in it and u jus dont know it. people dont always cook crystal with best intentions, they dont care what they put in it or how much or what they do with it, what do u think they care about? money. its fun for a while, i loved that high that i got smokin that ****, but after a while it sort of took over the person i always thought i was, the guy i was with when i started to use, he hasnt changed a bit, hes so lost, his brain is completly fried and he doesnt even care about himself anymore. he has two kids and he hasnt seen them in years, hes been high or drunk everyday of his life since i left him, its so hard once you lose yourself to drugs because you jus start caring less and less about the things that meant the world to you at one that mans daughters..... and its even harder to go straight long enough to start caring again. to be honest with you if i didnt have my son i would still be using, and i wouldnt be whare i am today, but by the grace of god i got pregnant and realized that if i didnt quit using i would never raise my baby the way he should be raised... i probly would have had a miscarriage from using during pregnancy, but i just pulled it together long enough to realise that i love my son and my own life more than i loved the life of those drugs. curiostiy killed the cat honey!! dont let yourself get to the point that you dont have anycontroll over what you do, and at this point you have controll, keep it, dont use them because you dont know if you will create an addiction. i thought i could use just for fun or to get

    ******* up once in a while, once in a while became everyday, every few hours, everychance  i had. i started stealing money from my mom , my grandma!! seriously that has never been the person that i am. i did things that i would never have done because i let go of my self controll. its hard to get it back. some people can do drugs for years and quit cold turkey like it was nothing....others cant , and by others i mean majority, recreational eventually turns into all the time.

    you know what, i could go on for hours but im sure that you will hear alot of this from some one else. please think about your life at least a year from now, and try to think of it clean and sober, dont let your curiosity get the best of you , somtimes its not worth the heartache you could go through.i wish you every luck in the world. im sure you are a pretty strong person, even if later on you forget anything i said, and you just so happend to have an addiction, there is no judgement passed from me, ive been there and done that , got the t shirt. its just up to you to change it or to not let it happen.

  8. I have tried most drugs, except for X and heroin. In my opinion, they were fun. You are 23, right? That is old enough to experiment a little. Just be careful and don't get so wasted that you get raped.

    BTW, most people start with cigarettes, alcohol and weed. Have you done those yet?

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