
I was Speeding?

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Ok this is my very first ticket ever in life i was speeding 78 in a 45 i know fast i was wondering is there anyway that i can make this situation better like driving school or something can i get these points removed and can i stop my insurance from goin up I'm 19 and live in Lee county Florida




  1. get a 4 door economy car and raise your deductible on your insurance to like 2000

  2. fight the ticket.  if you have a clean record(not just driving), just show up and admit what you did, say your sorry  and they might reduce the penalty.  Since you are 19 and 78 is kind of pushing it for a 45 zone they may not take you so seriously but its worth a shot.  maybe they will be in a really good mood that day or something?

  3. Contact the court clerk and see what pre-trial options you have, i.e. defensive driving. Most states have restrictions; find out what they are.

  4. Yes you can go to driving school since this is your first offense. Driving school will prevent points, and actually may help your insurance go down. It did for my niece. But we're here in AZ. So not sure how it works in your area with your insurance.

    Make sure you take this as a lesson. Speed limits are not suggestions. They are to protect you as the driver, and protect other people around you. Please drive safely from now on. Your life, and other lives depend on it. :-) I know a couple of people who died because of a speeder. Please be careful.

    Use caution, go the speed limit, anticipate, and be courteous. All these will help you stay safe, stay alive and protect others around you. :-) Take care and I think it is a great idea going to driving school. You will definitely benefit from it. I've been there myself. And I learned a valuable lesson. Funny, cause I was your age when I went to my driving school. You'll be speachless when you see some of the pictures they will show you of people who have gotten hurt, or killed by speeders, and red light runners etc.

    Stay safe. Your life is worth it. :-) I know I'm lecturing a bit, but after you attend your driving school, you'll know why. Take care.

  5. request a pretrial conference with the prosecuting attorney

    try to  to get a reduced charge or work out a deal.

  6. Your only hope is to go to court and explain yourself to the judge.  With this type of violation, you may be forced to go to the hearing (instead of just mailing in the fine).  Go serve food at the homeless shelter the night before and take a photo of it for the judge.

  7. Just so you know, it's considered to be the worst kind of speeding ticket once you PASS 15mph FASTER than the speed limit in ALL states, and you were going 33 mph ABOVE the speed limit.  I don't want you on the roads with ME and I'm a senior lady with a commercial license!

    You can contact the court but I seriously doubt that you can get the points removed because your speed was so excessive.  You deserve to have your insurance cost bumped WAY UP for this violation.  You need the wakeup call before you kill yourself or someone else.  

    Below are links you can follow that tell you about traffic violations in your state.  This is a good link for anyone as it covers all states.  You just have to select your state.  In many states, 15 to 20 mph over the posted limit is defined as reckless driving.  It's not defined that way in FL, which is lucky, because in FL, reckless driving can put you in jail.

    btw:  new, young drivers generally don't have good vehicle control.

    You need to learn that you have to live with the consequences of your actions!  The consequences of excessive speed are points on your license, and a hit on your insurance bill.  That's part of life.

    You SHOULD attend driving school in any case.  You can ask if the points on your license can be reduced if you attend driving school. -!-

  8. Your best bet is to hire an attorney to help you get the best deal possible. I am a paralegal and I have seen many people lose their lisence for speeding that fast. They would have had a chance to keep their lisence if they had hired an attorney to go to court for them.

  9. Pursuant to the Florida Drivers Association in Lee County Florida, you can take an online course for $27.39, and upon completion you will have a reduced fine and reduces points.  For more information, please see:

    Good Luck

  10. Yep sure can,  You can either go to the court date and plea no contest and the judge will assign you to a school or you can call a lawyer and he can plea for you for not too much money seems like it was 200 or so when I did it.   I would definitely NOT take the points your insurance will go through the roof and for years.

  11. If you take a defensive driving class it will reduce your points.

  12. Most likely your insurance won't go up.  I live in Iowa and have had speeding tickets and the insurance rates didn't change in fact it went down because of accident free.  Insurance companies usually don't check unless you file a claim.  If all you have is one ticket you should be ok.  Just don't do it again.
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