
I was a londer in elementry school, i'm 25 now, and i'm still a loner, is that cause i was a londer in school

by Guest34464  |  earlier

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its loner not londer, spelling mistake




  1. Well, believe it or not, you're still pretty young and you have a long, and hopefully productive, road ahead of you.  Don't worry so much about being something of a loner.  More people are loners than they are willing to admit. There is nothing wrong with being a loner as long as it's not to the point of being anti-social.  Many, many very successful people are basically loners by nature. I suggest that you check out the book, PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME: Character & Temperament Types, by David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates, 5th. edition, distributed by Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.

    It does a wonderful job of explaning the 16 different types of personality / temperament styles, what they are, and how they interact in the world.

    Some times there are natural reasons that people are loners -- Asperger Syndrome (a very mild form of autism) is one of them. See:

    Actually, it is believed that both Einstein and Newton suffered from AS, Newton more than Einstein.  It is also believed that it was the nature of AS that permitted these two great scientists to isolate and focus their attention for very long periods of time on scientific problems, resulting in solutions and accomplishments that others would have fallen well short of every obtaining.

    Whether being something of a loner is good or bad depends upon many things, such as what is important to you and what you want to get out of your life.  My advise is: be outgoing at least enough that you are at ease around people and that they are at ease with being around you.  Anything less than that will do nothing but cause you trouble the rest of your life and get in the way of career development---in a very, very big way.

    Good luck.

  2. Well you may not have learned how to be outgoing when you were a kid, but that should have no effect in terms of making you always feel alone.

    Some people are more naturally quiet, others more outgoing.  The important thing is that you do things that you enjoy doing, and don't shut people out of your life if they come in to it with good intentions of friendship.

  3. Nah.  Some people are just introverts.

  4. by calling yourself a loner, by beleiving yourself to be a loner and not doing anything about it has made you a loner.

    seriously get of your ***, stop whining and get out there!!!

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