
I was always wondering?

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people always joke around with me (i think) my friend always says she has seen a ghost but i dont believe her... please tell me the truth have YOU ever seen one and tell me wat was wen u first saw it and tell me how scary it is to u




  1. i live with them... they are upstaires right now!

  2. The bible gives no indication about ghost (spirits) wandering around.  the bible is clear that when we die, we are "asleep".

    the bible does, however speak about fallen angels, demons. which can take form (as well as angles can take form).  

    they do not just randomly walk around, however.

  3. zena rae is right they usually cant be seen with the naked eye but i have had pic's of my house taken and there have been orbs and slight figures in the background

  4. No, and unless someone is quiet suggestible, mentally unstable or just plain delusional, no one else will either. Anyone who does not fall within these parameters, is simply a liar. By the way, the answer above me is quite wrong. I don't come here to argue, I come to ridicule.

  5. I've seen plenty. Sometimes they play tricks on me, like taking my bananas.

  6. for Mike...What about in the Bible when Jesus showed Moses, Abraham etc. to His disciples? He said "God is the God of the Living..not the dead".?? What about the "angels" that appeared in the Old Testament and the ones who got Paul out of jail that time?  Maybe it's a veil that some people are able to see through a little .

  7. I have seen plenty in my life. Some are curious and interact to a degree (these are ones I can't see but I hear them). The ones I can actually see, look as though they are going about their daily lives. I think there is a wide assortment of "ghosts, spirits, supernatural beings" I think the ones I hear and the ones I see are two totally different type of beings.

    People who have seen them know the truth and don't bother arguing with those who don't believe, it's pointless...It's interesting to see how many people who flat out say they don't believe in the stuff come in here every day to discuss it.......interesting huh?

  8. Never.

  9. I have always seen ghost as far back as I can remember.  So I have never really been afraid of them.  They are mostly going some where else I guess, and don't seem to know you are even there in most cases.  I don't like the black shadow ones because they always run away and hide when you see them, I think they are up to no good.

  10. yes, and there is no one form they take. as a serious investigator, I have taken thousand of pics and have only kept about 20 I thought were good enough. The reaction depends on whether your alone or with others. It isnt frightning in as much as it is shocking.

  11. My dad said when he was a child he was crossing a bridge in a car or something  and looked down and saw a little girl sitting by the side of the river. when he was older he found out a  girl had drowned there about 50yrs earlier... he never said it "looked" like a ghost, it looked real as day.. and she was looking right at him.

    My dad doesn't bullshite either.. thats why i believe him.

  12. Here's the truth.There is no such thing.Ask your friend to join us in the 21st Century.

  13. I think many people who believe in ghosts haven't seen any.  They have been convinced by their friends or the public at large that ghosts are real.  I think you may be on to something when wondering about your friend and doing what you can to get an objective perspective of ghosts.

  14. Yes, I have seen a few, and they are nothing like the ones on TV.  They mostly are oblivious to the living.

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