
I was an 8thgrader what makes me a freshman, when school starts or when school had ended?

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well during teh summer am i already a freshman or still an 8thgrader? or when i start 9th grade then im a 9thgrade? i know its kinnda confusing im just wonder thankx :]




  1. Um,

    Your a Freshmen. Because You Already Passed As an 8th Grader. =)

    Good Luck As a Freshmen You'll Love It. It Was Definitely. One Of My Best Years At High School!

    You'll Love It! =)

  2. I think that it makes you a freshman. Eight grade is over, you graduated from it.

  3. Lol me and my friends on the last day of school yelled "WE'RE FRESHMAN!!!" and i kinda felt sad to face the fact i'm leaving my seventh grade buddies :(

  4. when you start because you still havent like gone to school as a freshman so you cant say you are one

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