
I was an injured passenger in a car hitting a tree accident, who pays if my injuries are minor (jaw & tongue)?

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My boyfriends brothers friend was showing off his 2008 5-month old Lexus to my boyfriends mother. He did a donut on the street which hit the curb and then we went around the block, planning to drop us off. Well, he was turning right into the street at 25+ MPH when he lost control and slid into a tree. The car ended up on the wrong side of the street facing the wrong way with damage to the front left driver side. The front left wheel came completely off! I was the passenger in the back seat behind the driver. I did not feel bad yesterday but today my mouth hurts from having bit my tongue in the accident. I want to go to the doctor, but as luck would have it, my insurance coverage ended May 31, a few days ago. I can not swallow, brush my teeth, or eat without pain, or open my mouth all the way. Should his insurance be covering me if I go to the doctor? How do I make sure he gets billed for my injuries? I just want to make sure I did not break my jaw or a rib. How do I get reimbursed?




  1. You must file a claim with his insurance company.  Keep in mind thatYou are responsible for all of your medical bills until/unless his insurance company pays them.  I hope the accident was reported to the police and to his insurance company when it happened.

  2. You will need to contact the driver's insurance company and make a claim.  They will make arrangements for you to see a doctor.  Call them right away and ask them what ER or prompt care clinic you can go to right away.

  3. Well if he can afford a brand new Lexus than he should be able to afford to cover your medical bills...

    Make sure you get all your injuries checked out as some injuries get worse or reoccur later and sometimes become an ongoing problem.

    I had whiplash from being hit by another driver who was racing around in his new sports car with four girls in the car. And didn't think to get compensation I suffered from sore necks and headaches for 3 years.

    At least it wasn't worse that's what I take heart in.

    Get well soon....

  4. yes i think so and i would call a lawyer to

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