
I was arrested for defacement (graffiti vandalism) and got charged with 7 misdemeanors. should i get a laywer?

by  |  earlier

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hopefully a laywer can answer but im willing to hear what anybody has to say.




  1. A lawyer will be expensive ... but necessary in this case!  You are being charged with 7 crimes.  You can not afford to make a mistake, defending yourself would be a big mistake!

    Be smart, get a lawyer!  Can't afford one?  Request the public defender's office!  Tell your lawyer everything ... and be completely honest ... they can only defend you properly if they have all of the information they need!

  2. Yes you do. Duh.

  3. A lawyer will just cost you more out of pocket expense like into the thousands. You have the right to counsel but if I you were you I'd face the music and ask for community service instead of jail and pay your fine. You know it's WRONG to deface public & private property right? If you are an artist put your talent on paper and sell your art and make some money. Don't make our community look tacky! Good luck to you. You must be talented use your art to make a living.

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