
I was at a bar a couple of nights ago and two friends sat on either side of me and one said "You have issues"

by  |  earlier

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I wouldn't actually say, in restrospect, that we are friends but they do hang out in the bar and more often than not i see them when I go and we gravitate together and sit with each other and have a laugh

There has been a bit of controversy recently cos i got upset when a guy (a stranger) was rude and violent towards me but he was seen as being in the wrong and kicked out.

Anyway I got very upset and called Mike the next day and was tearful about it - overly so.

We are all g*y

Anyway Mike and Peter sat on either side and Mike said "You have issues" and I snapped at him and said I was offended that he said that

Peter said "Listen to Mike - just listen"

(so clearly they had been talking about this between themselves)

Was he right to bring this up. Is it within the realms of etiquette to presume you can bring up another person's foibles for discussion in a social setting? We aren't close friends.

When I protested - Mike said he loved me and has loved me for a while




  1. well it sounds like if he really loves you then he's going to be honest. Don't worry, mike cared about you, so he was telling the truth. as for peter, it seemed like mike needed some backup. And as for the guy who answered before me, he's the real ******. g**s are fine, so i'd assume you didn't take it to heart what he said, but if you, did, he's a redneck a*****e I'm sure.

  2. I think that you have become very close because you wouldn't care enough to care.  I don't know if that makes since to you but I don't care what someone thinks unless I care.

    I hope that you get what I am saying.  I'm straight, and if some uppity B. says something about me personally, Who gives a ****?  But, if I like her or it bothers me I must like her or care enough for it to bother me.  Right?

    We all have to figure things out on our own, but I wish you luck in your search.  :)

  3. cough,cough, sorry I'm allergic to g*y, buck up dude,grow some balls and don't worry what somebody thinks about you,most of us guys don't have that gene,your give a c**p Gage seems to be set a little high.

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