
I was at a lake in Me. that was on both sides of the road,,one side was green and the other was normal,,,why?

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The people I was with said it was not green 2 days before,,so why would it all of a sudden be green. Some said it was called dog days (when a lake overturns) the bottom comes to the top and the top goes to the bottom,,,can this be what happened?,,,I am very curious about this. Serious answers only please.




  1. Sounds like a bloom of plants or algae.  They can happen suddenly for various reasons;  some run-off of fertilizer, or a change in the weather that the plants are triggered by, etc.  Sounds like the road is on a d**e that makes the lake two separate bodies of water, so the bloom wouldn't extend to both.

  2. I was going to pooh-pooh the idea out of hand until it penetrated my thick skull that you are talking about Maine. Could the water be down to 40°F already? That's when you get an overturn. Because an overturn stirs up the bottom sediments, the phosphorus in those sediments fertilizes the water and you could get a bloom. If the other side were shallow, it might not overturn at all. Or it might not overturn if it were  deeper or were at a higher temperature.

    The principle behind overturn is that water is densest at about 40°F. In the summer, warmer water is above the densest water. In the winter, colder water is above it. During the spring and fall, you get a switch-over, causing overturn.

  3. Been getting alot of rain lately?   Someones septic tank overflowed and "fertilized" the lake.   Some of the old cabins might have a direct line to the lake still grandfathered in as gross as it might seem now.

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