
I was at a party in the woods and the cops came, i ran and they tasered me in the back ,is that legal?

by  |  earlier

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It was with a air taser, I live in Pa , it was by the state police, I had been drinking, in no way was i violent and dangerous, also they beat me over the head with a flash light and kicked me in the face




  1. For you?  Yep!!  LOL  Like another guy said, you should have been faster. . .

  2. That was totally illegal, homeboy. Then again you could have been hallucinating. Maybe it was all a dream? But yeah, you should sue their arses.

  3. An "air taser"????

    I guess you were drunker than you're leading others to believe for them to have tasered  you, kicked you, AND hit you over the head with a flashlight!

    So let me ask think running was a bad idea after all?

  4. I dont know if its legal, but you should have been faster.

  5. running = taser or dog bite.....take  your pick!  Don't run from the police!

  6. Let's see now:  You were at a party, you were drinking, you were probably underage, you ran.  Looks like you were asking to be tasered/arrested.  

    As far as your statement that you were "beat over the head with a flashlight",  law enforcement officers are trained to NOT STRIKE ABOVE THE SHOULDERS, and to use batons, not flashlights, as striking tools.

    You didn't say how much of a fight you put up, or whether you were charged with Resisting Arrest.

  7. You have just learned the first lesson of proper procedure when dealing with the police. DON'T RUN

  8. Well when I went thru Taser training the back was one of the preferred place to fire at (large number of muscles) so h**l yes it was legal.  As for the rest of your story my interpretation of what you said is you are a minor in possession of alcohol who was drunk in public and attempted to run or resisted arrest by the Officer who gave you lawful commands.

  9. dont know if it was legal or not.  probably so for the taser.  its abuse of power though.  cops wonder why people hate them.  that same cop will probably be breaking the law next wkd.  HYPOCRITES!

  10. either your stupid or a liar. Cops are not allowed to do that and your an idiot for not standing up for yourself.

  11. if you were running not to get caught, you were evading arrest and it's perfectly legal

  12. Don't taser me bro LOL LOL  That is what you should have said.

  13. Allow me to introduce you to Title 18 section 508 Use of force in law enforcement of the PA Crimes Code.

    "(a) Peace Officer's use of force in making arrest

    (1) A peace officer, or any person whom he has summoned or directed to assist him, need not retreat or desist from effort to make a lawful arrest because of resistance or threatened resistance to the arrest. He is justified in the use of any force which he believes to be necessary to effect the arrest and of any force which he believes to be necessary to defend himself or another from bodily harm while making the arrest."

    Let me guess, even after you rode the lightning you still tried to fight.

  14. Yes it is legal. They told you to stop and you ran.

    I highly doubt the other part of your story.

  15. If you were not resisting arrest it was illegal for the flashlight and the kicking.  If you where fleeing from a police officer they can teaser you.  Do you have witnesses?  If not a drunk person vs a state police officer in court, they will believe the cop every time.

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