
I was at a show in San Francisco, a open mic comedy night. All the comics had to stand in line to sign up..?

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when a female comic came in they were allowed to go to the front of the line no matter how late they walked in. I kind of found it insulting to them, like they were delicate flowers. But they didn't seem to mind. Do you find this sexist?




  1. Who allowed it?  Was it the club?  Perhaps the club is trying to appease the more liberal crowds of San Francisco by making sure there are some women in the program.  

  2. For sure that is unfair and sexist. I have no idea why women were allowed to cut in line.  

  3. Sure I do. I always find it sexist when men and women are given unequal treatment for no good reason (and there rarely is one).

  4. That does seem really strange, and yes, pretty sexist. What's the purpose behind that?

  5. It is certainly sexist on the surface Murph, unless they had a reason for it that had to do with their programming though I cannot think of anything.  

  6. Well, THAT doesn't seem fair at all.  I would protest.

  7. Did you enquire why this was happening or just stand in line and get angry about it and make a lot of assumptions?

    On the surface of it, it could be sexist, but there may have been a reason you are unaware of.

    Shame you didn't ask.

    Cheers :-)

  8. It seems like it. Why would there be a good reason to let them go ahead in line?

    EDIT: Just a question: Did they have to be onstage right then?

  9. "like they were delicate flowers"? What moron told you THAT?

    Clearly, they have more male than female comics, and want to get a better balance.

    Insulting to them? To be clearly valued? No, being valued is not insulting.

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