
I was at this place sleep, and i think a roach crawled inside my ear, what should i do?

by Guest61528  |  earlier

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I was at this place sleep, and i think a roach crawled inside my ear, what should i do?




  1. if it layed eggs you could be in danger - go to a doctor

  2. where did you fall asleep, the streets of guatemala?

    most likely, it's nothing, however definitely go see a professional, if not ur physician, then a walk-in clinic

    a lot of people are saying flush out your ear etc etc, well in addition to that go see someone. Even if you end up paying a bill, if you truly believe there's somethin in your ear, then it will be worth it

  3. Go have your head examined!

  4. go see a doctor...asap!!!

  5. That happened to me before. Go to the doctor and tell them that something crawled into your ear. Then they check into your ear and pull it out with tweezers or something, you have to tilt your head so they can reach it. When it happened to me, i didnt get it out for a long time cause i thought it just went away or something, but then i was in a minor car accident and i was taken to the hospital and this guy looked in my ear and pulled it out and wondered what it was. The doctor can pull it out for you.

  6. Don't sleep there again.............

  7. Be VERY thankful it wasn't an Earwig!

    If you are seriously having the sensation of something in your ear canal - go to the emergency room!

    This question is just waiting for commical answers (and refraining from giving them, in the event it's a real problem).

    I couldn't help but snicker at the artfully offered "Have your head examined!"

    You can try to flush the offending insect out with hydrogin peroxide (this will crackle, and sound weird... if a bug's in there - the sound will be muted), or have someone peek into the canal with a bright pen light, to see if anything foreign is visable.  The flushing may clear the disturbed earwax which is causing the lingering sensation, if an insect isn't actually in your ear, but had been!

    As for the roaches/eggs comment - roaches lay an eggcase, which contains hundreds of babies.  The case would be visible, and you would feel it.

    It's not a good situation, for sure.  If you're anything like me?  Just the thought of a 'creature' invading my body is enough to give me nightmares.

    And I KNOW this won't be reassuring right now, but it's a fact.  On a recent fishing trip with my fiance'; a moth was attracted by our light, and went IN his ear!  His first instinct was to shove his finger into his ear, and I grabbed his arm, telling him NOT to do this.  It took about a whole minute (that is a LONG time, when something alive is making noise in your ear and moving), but the moth reversed, and exited his ear.  We watched it crawl out, unable to fly because the earwax had removed most of the powder from its wings.  I tossed the moth into the lake, and cleaned his ear the best we could, under the circumstance.

    Though the moth was gone, and we flushed his ear with hydrogine peroxide when we got home; the sensation of the moth lingered for a couple of weeks.

    Once the insect was gone: the idea of the insect remained to bother him.

    So, it's better safe, than sorry.  If you truly believe an insect entered your ear - seek medical help.

    I'm sorry for your discomfort, and understand it completely.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  8. Go to the emergency room at the hospital. The doctor will flush out your ear with saline, and then put a tiny vacuum thing in your ear and suck the insect out.

  9. All you have to do is have your ear irrigated.  You need to do it as soon as possible to prevent an infection.

  10. i think you should probably go and see a doctor...

  11. wow.

    go see a doctor

  12. it shouldn't harm you

  13. If you've got a flashlight or penlight with you, switch it on, then flash it towards the opening of that ear where you think the bug entered. Keep still, wait for the bug to come out, with the flashlight on.

    The bug will naturally turn towards the light, assuming it could maneuver inside.

    In the morning, go and see an EENT specialist, if the bug hasn't got out yet.

  14. Flood your ear with water.

  15. This is actually pretty common. I don't remember the actual statistic, but a high percentage of people have roaches living in their ears. Go to a doctor. I knew a girl who had that happen, and they had to perform a minor surgery to remove it.

    EDIT: A roach doesn't lay EGGS, it lays eggs one at a time.

  16. Go to medicine net .com and under search put down foreign objects in the ear . . . .they suggest warm water to flush out the object, or gentle suction, if you can't get it out, go to the doctor as infection may develop.

  17. I don't believe a cockroach could climb inside your ear. You would definitely be able to feel it if it was still in there... Have a doctor look.

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