
I was attacked by 2 spirits last night why?

by  |  earlier

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Sexually attacked and I know this is true because I literally jumped up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and and my heart was beating and also I was breathing heavy have I done somthing wrong to make them want to attack me?

That night I was wearing a laborite ring which is a crystal I dont no if that has anything to do with it???




  1. You say you had a panic attack before bed.  I think that the attack had not finished running its course and you awoke in the middle of it.  I understand this as some years ago this happened to me.  We think that we are not under stress but sometimes stress happens years after, or it could be hormonal.

    I do healing work and understand spirits, and I always try to find the logical reason why these sort of things happen.

    If you want more information email, I would need more details to understand what has happened to you.

    In the meantime I am sending Healing Angels to watch over you.  Godbless.x

  2. try drinking all of the vodka wiskey and other spirit drinks in ur house. then there wont be any more.

  3. you were attacked by two spirits cause you have a vivid imagination

  4. Spirits don't attack people like that.

  5. wow. i dont know too much about spirits but maybe u have done something wrong? try to fux anything bad u have done. and maybe the ring had something to do with it.

  6. I believe in spirits and there are reasons as to why an evil spirit would attack you, however, I have no idea why.  If I were you I would contact a minister or priest who believes in those kinds of things.  I had a minister come out to my house and cleans it of all evil spirits once after such an experience.

  7. Too many spirits if you ask me

  8. I belive you maybe you need to pray before bed.

  9. You may have had a hypnogogic dream.  Google that "hypnogogic dream" and you'll find a lot of info.  I've had them, they're scary but harmless.

  10. how were you sexually attacked? if it was a ghost? .xx.

  11. It is superstition, and you just had a dream that may have been caused by the panic attack prior to going to bed.  Do girls have orgasms while asleep?  If so then that could be what you had. But no, there was no spirits attacking you.

  12. Sounds like a gin and a vodka.

  13. Two spirits huh? You really shouldn't mix them. Especially close to bedtime...

  14. Eh, that is called a nightmare.

  15. It's called a nightmare, honey.  Didn't your parents tell you about those when you were little?

  16. Bad dreams can be incredibly real, especially when you've just woken up. Try to do something that will get you in a calm state of mind before you settle down, if you do your sleep should be better quality and you should be less prone to bad dreams. Good luck.

  17. d**n that vodka and whisky

  18. Ghosts aren't able to physically harm you...not even poltergeists.

    I think you need to get some help...and I don't mean a psychic.

  19. sometimes people who are into that stuff can send out spirits to attack you maybe someone u know doesnt like u very much i would go to a physic and see if anyone has tried to harm u and the physic can make the bad spirits go away

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