
I was barred from yahoo games for 13 years so how do i get my id back when yahoo is not responding?

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my id is goldfinger3247 an i was banned from yahoo games for 13 years an i would like to know how long is it going to take to get my id back an i want an answer exept for yahoo is working to prevent robots from playing games that does not solve the issue that a hacker had me banned before yahoo was quick to fix the problem but now they r being slow an i am tired of filling out forms i have done about 15 allready it has been since dec 18th 2007 since this occured in badger bridge i would like results instead of a run around my current reference number is 6779180 an i know u r aware of the issue so let's solve it so ican get back to enjoying yahoo free games yahoo needs to work on cleaning up the checkers game so i can get back to enjoying it again i don't want to fill out any more forms an i would like a toll free number to the technicall support team so i can talk to them one on one thanks hank crapps [goldfinger3247] u can send me an e-mail at this id




  1. I am not sure that the support desk reads these posts.... I'd set up another account.

  2. How do you possibly get banned from games? What did you do?

  3. While you're waiting, create a new ID to play your game. Use "goldfinger3247" for anything except games.

  4. Set up another ID. It works fine.

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