
I was bitten by a hamster... can i get sick?

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i was bitten 5 times and it bled a lot and my friend says not to worry cuz she was bitten multiple times. But it bled for a long time and right now its starting to pus a little it's like clear blood... is that alright?




  1. I doubt you will become sick :)

    But just to tell you

    It all depends from what store you baught your hamster

    If your hamster was baught form a clean facility then you shoudnt worry a bit

    On the other hand if the facility (store) was a dirty market you might have a realy insy tinsy winsy chance that your hamster might have a been a little sick that would have cause you to faint or feel dizzy..

    But if none had been occured then your surely O.k :D

  2. just wash your hand with water and it will be fine

  3. Yeah, you should be fine. I have been bitten by my guinea pigs to the point where they bleed for a long time. You need a really tight bandage to block the flow of blood and something to clean the cut with.

    *Wash the cut.

    *Clean it with something, like rubbing acohol.

    *Bandage it and leave it be.

  4. He bit you five times... in succession?  Is he still alive?  Is he displaying any weird aggressive behavior?  Because while highly unlikely, rodents do get rabies.  However, if he was just overly excited and is calm and well now, I doubt you'll get sick.

    Just was the wound, treat it with antiseptic and topical antibiotics. Dress it with a bandage lightly just to prevent foreign objects getting into the open skin.  

    If it gets infected, see a doctor. They might re-open the wound and drain the pus and re-dress it, just to clean it out.  If the flesh near the wound turns dark and painful, or if you develop a fever, then definitely see a doctor. (though this is less the hamster's fault - it probably got infected)

  5. i've been bitten by my old hamsters (RIP Cookie & Teddy). Its probably fine. just wash and clean the bite and bandage it. :D  

  6. He bit you five times in a row? sharks don't even do that. How did it penetrate the skin? What kind of hamster was this? I think you will be aiight

  7. you might need a tetanus shot.

  8. its fine. i got bit and it bled alot! just be sure to wash your hands and to put a band aid over it. it might sting the next few hours or days but it should be fine

  9. lol sweetie trust me its alright!! trust me... ! u cant get sick from pet me.

    can u also answer mine?

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