
I was born in 29th July 1985 then what is my zodiac sign and how can you find the zodiac sign ?

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what is the procedure of finding the zodiac sign




  1. You are a leo. Like me !!!!

    There are 12 zodiac signs and there are certain dates:

    Aries - March 20 to April 20

    Taurus - April 20 to May 21

    Gemini - May 21 to June 21

    Cancer - June 21 to July 23

    Leo - July 23 to August 23

    Virgo - August 23 to Sept. 23

    Libra - Sept. 23 to October 23

    Scorpio - October 23 to Nov. 22

    Sagittarius - Nov. 22 to Dec. 22

    Capricorn - Dec. 22 to January 20

    Aquarius - January 20 to Feb. 18

    Pisces - Feb. 18 to March 20


    Hope I helped :D

  2. Leo a very good sign

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