
I was born in Belgium but i'm not a Belgian, can i have Belgian passport?

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My parents were there because my father was on a mission




  1. Not all countries give citizenship automatically by birth. This right, where it exists is called "Jus Soli". Belgian nationality law has some jus soli elements but, like most EU countries, it is limited by residency requirements of your parents.

    The situation is very complex, and you will need to contact your government.

  2. Yes you may apply for a passport in any country that you were born in, as long as you can show proof of birth; but one you received a passport from that country you are subject to their laws and maybe subject to be call up my their government for military service as well.

  3. Naturally you would be considered a Belgian national of outside ethnicity. Most nations of the world will honor you a citizenship with ofcourse a right to passport. You just have to inquire with the local passport agency. Since you were born in Belgium you could have dual citizenship with Belgium and the native country of your parents.

  4. If you're born in Belgium but not Belgian how exactly do you expect to get a Belgian passport?

    Sounds like you're dad was a diplomatic. Either that or'your parents weren't Belgians.

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