
I was born in france, can i have the french passport??

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i have a french birth certificate , my parents are iraqis. and now im in United arab emirates .. can anyone tell me if im able to get a french passprot .. ?




  1. If you are still a french citizen, you should be eligible for a french passport. Generally speaking, you get a passport from the country of your citizenship or where you spend most of your time living.

  2. Should be a yes, if you have evidence to prove...

  3. I seriously doubt it. Maybe if you were living in France for some time... A birth certificate isn't usually enough for getting any country's citizenship.

    Good luck

  4. As you were born in France, you are a citizen of France by birth. You have the birth certificate to prove that, just go to the France Consulate office in UAE, and apply for the passport.

    You did not mention if you have changed your citizenship since leaving France. But assuming you haven't, you should go ahead and apply for the passport.

    All the best.

  5. Attribution of French Nationality

    Through parentage (right of blood):

    The child (legitimate or natural) is French if at least one parent is French.

    Through birth in France (law of place of birth):

    The child (legitimate or natural) is French if born in France to at least one parent also born in France.

    Simply being born in France does not confer French nationality except in the case of a child born to unknown or stateless parents, or to aliens whose nationality is not transmitted to the child.

    A child born in France before January 1, 1994, to a parent born in a former French overseas territory prior to its acquisition of independence, is automatically French. The same is true for a child born after January 1, 1963, to a parent born in Algeria before July 3, 1962.

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