
I was born in uk 1983, after 5yrs i left 4 abroad wit no british passport. 2007 i return. can i apply 4 it now

by Guest56765  |  earlier

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I was born in uk 1983, after 5yrs i left 4 abroad wit no british passport. 2007 i return. can i apply 4 it now




  1. If your parents are British, yes.  Otherwise, see the British government website for info.  How did you get in to the UK if you don't have a passport?  If you have another citizenship, that country might not allow dual citizenship.

  2. On the 1st of Jan 1983 the rules changed making it so that children born on UK soil had to have a parent (by parent we mean mother or father if born in wedlock) with British citizenship or Indefinate Leave to Remain in order to be born British.

    British embassy in Canada who can tell if you're eligible for a UK passport:

    Home Office's say on British citizenship:

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