
I was bullied at school,,,iv'e heard joining the police will help?

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I was bullied at school,,,iv'e heard joining the police will help?




  1. hahaha, not a fan of the boys in blue then?

    not surprising, many people are not

  2. Most cops were just like you..bullied as a child....thats what makes them BAD cops...Abusive....

    NOW, they have a gun and a club..and they can legally use it....

    They are usually cowards.....and have become BULLIES themselves.....

  3. lol, most cops were the ones that were bullied in school. I guess it's their idea of "I'l show 'em". Then they shave their heads and try to look menacing, but take them out of uniform and their still misfits.

  4. would that be so you can be trained as a bully yourself.?

    its possable if you join the force ull be trained to do more beneficial things.

  5. is this a joke ??? i hope so

  6. No.

    Try seeking professional help!!!!!!

  7. Without a doubt!

  8. it may teach you to speak the laguage of your oppressor

    and therefore become the oppressor

  9. Yes it will...

  10. It might, but it would be better to become a celebrity/CEO/drug lord so you will have enough money to buy the companies where people who bullied you work and fire them.

  11. no it wont,you werent abully then and i doubt you are now,from experience i have found most police were bullys at school and go on to be bullys in the police force,this is true

  12. I do not know why it would help. I would think you would want to move on and pick a job because you love it.

  13. What do you mean?

    i guess people wont pick on you once they see you in a uniform with a gun...

  14. lol,,,,thats why they join

  15. defend yourself d**n it (even if you lose).  joining the police department isn't going to help.  somebody that can't stand up for himself is equally despised in or out of uniform and will be victimized by "cops and robbers" alike.

  16. Then you become the bully....

  17. will be able to break up playground fights and everything.

  18. Joining a police department, due to the fact that you were bullied, is not a good idea.  If you want to help people and will not let your past experiences get in the way of the job then that's fine.  Becoming a police officer to seek revenge is a BAD idea.  You have to be able to do your job without bias or prejudice.

  19. yeah, become a cop and do what you want. No more bullies to deal with, plus you'd get to carry a gun, or wait, in your case maybe a squirtgun, lol.

  20. You will be in VERY good company there! Most of the "losers" that join the "police"have the same problems as you. That is why they join the "police"! So they can get their own back on society! What happens to them after.....

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