
I was called racist behind my back at work today?

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Yeah, I'm a hostess and the restaurant was full. I was taking names for seats and some people came in said they needed a table. I said ok but there is a fifteen minute wait. They all go to the bathroom. I call after them to ask their name but they didn't reply. So right after they all go to the restroom, 10 people come in including this very old white woman. I swear she looked like she was gonna pass out and it is common courtasy to let the older folks sit up front so she could get cooled off by the breeze from the door and so she wouldn't have to walk too far, ya know? Well, they come back and said that it was unacceptable that I gave a specific table away, well the woman asked for it and it wasn't like I didn't look for them. Plus, I waited a few minutes to see if they came out. This family was black and I am white. They didn't say it to my face but told the manager I was racist and he gave them a free meal... Does this make sense to anyone? Was I racist here?




  1. Your answer is in them being given a free meal!  Some people will do anything to get free food, you may even have been set-up.  They could have gone to the restroom and waited until you gave away a table before they came out deliberately.  Your manager should have apologised, insisted there was no offence meant and left it at that.  As it is he has set himself up for having to give away more free food as soon as word gets out that he's a soft touch.

    Try not to worry about what other people may think, they probably know you aren't racist but are playing the racist card.

  2. you weren't racist in that moment. i hope you're not a racist. and the answer given by missy is uncalled for

  3. You were not being racist in any way and you sound a very caring and concerned member of staff - I would certainly commend you for your actions.  I think your manager however was wrong to offer them a free meal.  He should have asked them if they would prefer it that the older lady didnt have the cool breeze and if they were ageist?  There are far too many people playing the race card.  If they were rude to you then they were doubly wrong.  The manager is in a position of trust and care of his staff and if he felt you were not racist in any way he should have backed you up.  However, we live in such litigious times that everyone is now scared of everyone else suing them for god knows what.  It is a sorry state of affairs.

    But for your own peace of mind rest easy that you did the best thing under the circumstances and that you were not in any way racist.

  4. I've been called racist while at work many times, in many varied customer service jobs. I even once had a guy thrown out of our bar for insisting I was racist. It's always unfounded and I take great offence.

  5. No you were not being racist. They were being very rude and ignorant. People have no clue how incredibly hard customer service jobs are. Not everyone is going to leave happy (even though you have to try your best to make sure this happens!). If they all went to the bathroom before they gave their names well how is that your fault exactly...

    The older woman passing out would have been worse on your part than some healthy looking people being without a table for what 15 minutes....

    Remember don't take anything they were saying personally. If they sat and ate then obviously it wasn't half as bad as they were complaining. They most likely wanted a free meal. don't be surprised if they come back again!

    I was a cashier at Wal-Mart for 4 long months and I had everything under the sun happen to me. People think that because you're serving them it all has to go their way. Thats not always the case.

  6. Sounds to me like you did what you were supposed to do.

    The true racists are the ones who hide behind their ethnicity or color, no matter what it is.

    Your manager took the wisest course to avoid a potential situation. He wasn't agreeing with the people when he gave them the free meal, he was just using the simplest way to shut them the h**l up.

    Don't sweat this.

  7. You did everything perfectly properly. You didn't get flustered, you explained the situation to them and they chose to stay. They got a table when one became free although it might not have been the one they wanted but they stayed and had their meal. I don't see what more you could have done. Playing the race card was very unfortunate and it seems there was an element of purpose for doing that.

    I would forget it, you're obviously good at what you do and I wouldn't let it spoil your job. When you are dealing with the public you will always experience problems now and again. It goes with the territory.

  8. black ppl always use that against white ppl when they dont get their own way.

  9. As I always say - "some people would complain if they were hung with a new rope... "

    In America, many Black people (I lived in Africa, and they don't like the term African-American.) have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to race. But if they roles were reversed - umm... wait a minute - they are reversed.

    Nevermind. You're not a racist.

  10. You weren't being racist.  People who play the race card just don't want to take responsibility for anything so they try to blame everyone else for their problems.  Don't worry about it.  They're stupid.

  11. There is no way you were being racist - I am sure the thought didn't cross your mind!  Unfortunately, there are some really rude people around and this group of people were just that!  Have to be thick skinned and a little deaf and not let things like this get to you.  I am sure that your boss understood!

  12. You did the right thing. They were just playing the race card.  I hate when people do that.

  13. The answer given by Missy is called for.  You don't have to bring up race to be called a racist.  Certain people of color think they get to do whatever they like and don't have to follow the rules, and if they don't they try to intimidate you with this kind of c**p.    The rule was if your turn comes up at a restaurant maybe you should answer the call.  If not tough you lose your place in the queue.   It wouldn't have mattered if they had been white if they had pulled this stunt, the result would have been the same.   I mean, when a table becomes available we should wait around an extra five minutes for you to claim your place?   But they got a free meal out of it didn't they and you might have been fired.  Their behavior was rewarded because it is easier just to roll over and play dead rather than deal with this kind of stuff.

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