
I was caught cheating on my hubby he moved out by my choice and i continued my affair and now i am pregnant.?

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what should i do?




  1. Oh God that's an awful situation to be in.

    There isn't much you can do. If your husband takes you back then he's a saint. But, he may never trust you again and he'll always have the moral highground over you. You'll always have moments of guilt over it.

    If the person you had the affair with is the father then he has an obligation to support your child. Make sure he does.

    I think you're going to have to start your life over again as a single mum. Love your child and try to love yourself.  People make mistakes - what counts is how you deal with it. Good luck.

  2. Tell your husband you're pregnant. Tell the man you had an affair with you're pregnant.

    Get a divorce or not.

    Keep the baby or not.

    Either way it's a bad bad bad situation.

  3. close your legs and get your priorities straight. If it's over, it's over. Move on, go sign some divorce papers or something before you start s******g around. Now it's time to pay the piper, 18 years worth. Congrats.


  4. you are getting what you deserve, and karma is a b*tch.  be prepared for the guy that you cheated on your husband with to run like h**l now that he knows that he knocked you up.  you screwed up your marriage, and now you will be alone...with a baby.

  5. well you should have kept your legs closed to the guy, and only opened them for your husband. You are getting what you deserve, keep the baby give him/her a life, because you made the mistake not the baby.

  6. Karma is a *****!!!  Why did you get married in the first place?

  7. well if you are happy with your current guy so discuss this with him. Since your husband is out of the picture be happy.  

  8. U r in a very difficult situation at this point and u need to come to terms with the possibility that u very well maybe raising this child alone.  I would talk to both men and let them know about the pregnancy to have a paternity test done when the baby is born.  U may get a very negative reaction from either man but just b honest and hope for the best that wut ever happens that the biological father will step up to the plate and b a good dad because how ever the child was conceived it still deserves to have good parents in it's life.   Stay hopeful no matter wut and I really hope things do work out for u, wut u have done was wrong and people do make mistakes now u just have to learn from yours.  

  9. its seems that you dont really care about your husband. i would get a divorce obviously. whats the point of stayin with ur hubby????? you must like the other guy more and now you have a baby by him. u better hope that he is willing to take care of the child!


    if you feel that you need ur husband, i would quit it with the other guy and try to work on the marriage.

    good luck

  10. What should you do? Use a condom..Oh...wait..never mind...too late.

  11. Well, whose baby is it?  I guess you could have a grilled cheese sandwich right now.  Maybe a nice glass of milk to go with it.  Dairy is good for babies.  If you were having s*x with both men and you don't know whose baby it is...HA HA.  Sorry, I just find the moral decay of society funny sometimes.

  12. Wow, what a situation.  I suggest that now is the time to really come clean to your husband, with an apologetic spirit.  What is done, is done.  I am sure you are now regretful about what occurred, with your choice to continue this affair.  Why didn't you practice using any birth control?  

    Did your husband explain to you, what he believed or noticed, what was happening with you physically, or did you just blow him off?

    Now, where is "Mr. Affair"?  Will he own up to his responsibility of tearing your marriage, or family apart?  Or has he jumped ship, after getting all that he wanted out of you?  Either way, you messed up badly...

    Did you expect your husband, not to notice that you are pregnant at all?  Especially, if you had previous children with him...  You may be in deep 'doo-doo', on this one.

    Good Luck.

  13. You obviously made the decision that the affair was more important to you then the vows to your husband. Put your big girl panties on and deal with the consequences

  14. Ok, I really dont see how you need help on this one. Are you trying to tell us that your husband and the other man have left you? If so, you know what you need to do. Handle the situation like an adult, have the baby, either give it up or raise it to be a strong, FAITHFUL human being.  

  15. you play, you pay

    you deserve whatever you get in this situation

    i have NO sympathy for you, AT ALL

    why are you asking what you should do now?

    stick a "D" on your chest and DEAL with it

  16. I think many people take a long time to grasp the fact that life is a sequence of choices and our happiness depends on being able to live with the consequences of those choices.

    You have a number of choices open to you now. Reaching a decision on what you need to do is unlikely to be a comfortable process, but you need to go through that process. That's how life works.

    Only you can decide what you need to do. Only you can decide how important that small spark of life inside you is and if it would be best for everyone that it should be allowed to grow into a human being.

    Only you can decide which course of action is most likely to leave you in a situation you can feel most positive about.

  17. Ummm... there's nothing you can've already done it're  pregnant and cheated on your husband...what do you expect?

  18. Well not be to mean but you got what you asked for. Marriage is a committed thing and you must was not ready for it so you cheated and not he is gone so the only thing to do is do you want to be with this other guy and keep the baby. If not then leave him and then decide if you want to keep the baby on your own

  19. If you were not happy with your husband before a baby is not going to bring happiness into your marriage nor is it going to fix it so I would say get a divorce and deal with the fact that you are now a single MOM

  20. um your seperated, move forward with the divorse so you can clear your ex husband out of the picture, and sit down with your bf and talk about this

  21. u made some very bad choices and now ur getting the consequences.

    deal with it urself. whos more important 2 u?

  22. Figure out how your going to make it as a single mom because you won't be with either man in 6 months.

    Cheating is never the answer to anything.

    Are you really stupid enough to cheat and do so with the possibilities of getting pregnant?  Condoms + Pull out + diaphram + Spermacide + whatever else would have solved this issue.

    I think its a personal cry for attention.

  23. It seems now you have want you want....the other man in your life....for the rest of your life!

    Every body eventually pays to play. Unfortunately you will be paying dearly because I highly doubt that the other man is going to make you (and I use this term loosely) an honest woman. Furthermore, I would be willing to bet that your husband is surely done with you now.

    With that being said be ready for a paternity suit and make the other man pay to help raise the child. It is not the babies fault that it was conceived in this manner. The baby deserves to be supported financially, if not emotionally.

  24. you made your bed now lie in it!!  Have the baby and either give it up for adoption or raise it.

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