
I was caught drinking alcohol!?

by  |  earlier

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I made a big mistake of drinking underage.

My mother soon found out.

I want to go out this friday (which will be two weeks after i got caught)

i can i prove to my mother i am responsible to go out again?

i need to make good points.




  1. Talk to your mom.  Write a pledge not to drink.  Help around the house--a lot.  Don't act like a baby if she says no.

    Good luck.

  2. if i were your mom, another two weeks would be enough punishment.\

  3. surprise her and write an essay about how you know what you did was wrong (if that's what you honestly believe) but don't add anything like "and now I think I should be able to go out with my friends...", let her make that decision. Unless you are an AMAZING debater. You can probably google up some really good points though.

    it will show a new found discipline at the very least.

  4. That depends on why you want to go out.  If you want to go out to drink again. I won't help you.  

    Sure, we all do it.  I started drinking at 16, but I was smart enough to keep it from my parents.  I drunk like a fish at my sister's place without them knowing, and when I finally told them I was in my early 30's, and they didn't know better.

    if you want to redeem yourself, only a combination of time and effort on your part will do it.  The essay idea was a gem, but honestly will only succeed if you mean it.

    if your reasoning in posting this was to find out a way to TRICK your mom, god help you. lol. intelligent drinking is the key.  You got to know your limits, and understand what life is about before drowning it away in a bottle.  Alcohol is a brilliant social lubricant as well as an incidious  social escape.   Be careful how you use it, at any age.

  5. Buy her a six pack!

  6. its a little soon

    i suggest stay home and let it blow off for a little longer

  7. Trust is a very VERY fragile thing. Once broken, it can never be fully earned back. She may, eventually, relent a little and allow you to go out with your friends, but she will NEVER fully trust you again.

    All the sucking up in the world won't do it. She'll know that's all you're doing. She's no where near as stupid as you thought she was. If she was, she wouldn't have done anything about your drinking.

    Just accept the fact that she cares enough to punish you. If she didn't care, you'd be free to go and do what ever you want. It's refreshing to find a parent who actually gives a flying fig about the children they've brought into this world.

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