
I was caught shoplifting a year ago and they made me sign a trespassing paper. Will they recognize me?

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They didn't take a picture, but they probably have cameras. Also, it's been a year. Is it safe to go back?




  1. Only takes one set of eyes to recognize you.That's an easy night in jail and more if you can't make bail.Go for it.

  2. most likely they won't remember you....but you never know so it's better to be safe then sorry....hope it helps!

  3. More than likely no one will remember who you are... but if they do you are in violation.  In california it is a misdemeanor.  You can be placed under citizens arrest or if the police get there and you are still there you could be arrested by them.  Either way... its not something that you will be kept  in jail for.

  4. I can't tell you how many timed I have responded for a trespassing involving someone who thought it was "safe" to go back.  I wouldn't do it if I were you.

  5. my hubby used to work an off duty detail in a major dept store - he arrested people daily who were caught shoplifting and were banned from the store - he would remember you if he ever arrested you - he says that depending on the store eventually they may mail you a letter saying you can return to their store to shop.

  6. They took your picture with their security camera and have it up on their "wall of shame". Your best bet is to stay out of the store.

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