
I was cheated .... and i cant eat sleep .. how ?

by  |  earlier

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can i go on , tears no more , how can i stand ?




  1. being cheated on and betrayed always hurts,there will be heartaches for awhile,depression, and feelings of doom, but u will come out of this a much stronger person.

  2. hugs.  

    i'm sorry i've been there.  don't worry you will be fine.  cry all you want.  there's no shame in crying.  let the tears out don't hold it in.  it's bad for your health.  let time and god heal your wounds.

  3. I know it's hard, but you just have to give it time.  Just cry and be miserable for awhile.  It might be a week.  Then you have to force yourself to start to move on with your life.  See your friends, family, go to work, etc.  And think of the saying "Living well is the best revenge."  Do even better for yourself than you were, do whatever it takes to look better, feel better about yourself, meet new people, get new hobbies, make new friends.  Just try to make your life as good as it can be, make yourself as happy as possible, and before you know it, you'll forget all about what happened, and your ex.  I know it's hard, but there is no magic pill or answer that can make the pain go away.  It just takes time and inner strength to pick yourself up dust yourself off and try again.  Good luck.

  4. almost all of us have been through this and it is extremely painful. Just keep in mind it's there loss and you need to keep your head up and know there is none like you. At least u didn't cheat, you can walk away without any guilt and live your life

  5. (Don't care)--He feels better knowing you are hurt than happy he is gone. You smile when you see him. You smile and you laugh and you breathe life.. OK. You know you didn't deserve it. Don't care about someone who never cared about you. xo

  6. He cheated on you you should be angry get  a good cry and look for someone deserving of you affections

  7. As everyone here has stated it's hurts like h**l we think that we can't go on....but as we all know in the end we do. No man is worth your love if they stray...and as for the other woman....she's only going thru life getting other's left overs...a woman that dates a man that is spoken for is no better than the cheater himself. Walk with you head up knowing that he will cheat on her too....and you will have moved on. Into a healthy relationship, happy and content...

  8. move on

  9. You need to get up and try to get over it! I know its hard I was cheated once before and I felt the same way.  But you know what its not worth it all, their is so much in life and other people to meet.  What I did was spend time with my family and friends. I tried to keep my self busy so I wont think about everything he did to me and that he was not going to be around anymore. I went out with my friends to try to keep him out my mind, even tho I didn't have a lot of fun but it kinda works.  I try to meet new people I know it was too soon but just friends and they keep you busy.... Try it if you stay home and not do nothing about it its going to be worst. Show them your better than that and your happy going on with your life... Good luck!

  10. i'm sorry. its their loss! and its o.k. to feel sad and angry and upset; thats normal. you'll bounce back all in due time. so find something productive to do; something that you like doing to get your mind off of that person and it'll get better so much faster; and show that person what they missed out on; get dressed up and go have fun don't sit and stress yourself out basically show them that you CAN go on WITHOUT them! you'll be just fine good luck with everything

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