
I was cleaning a snapping turtle and found 25 eggs, how can i hatch them ?

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I was cleaning a snapping turtle and found 25 eggs, how can i hatch them ?




  1. Here:

  2. huh?  sit on them and keep them warm

  3. Why not let the turtle hatch her own eggs as nature intended?

  4. what do you mean you were cleaning a snapping turtle?  why were you cleaning a snapper?  they don't need to be cleaned by you or anyone else.  they are covered in mud, etc., to be able to hide from their food.  if this is wild caught, i suggest you take it right back were you found it and leave it alone.  leave the eggs alone as well.  the turtle does not need you or your so-called held.

  5. umm use common sense let them hatch on there own!!! if you hatch them your self they will probley die! don't be an animalo killer!!!

  6. just wait for them to hatch but keep them safe

  7. If you want to hatch them naturally just leave them.

    oops I forgot the incubator

    If you have an incubator the percentage of hatching those eggs is almost 90%

  8. Well come on now, he was cleaning the snapping turtle for the same reason you clean a fish. They come in their own bowl for a reason. (Hope she's good... you frying her or making soup?)

    Depending on how far along they are, the eggs still may be viable, keep in mind that the shells may not be thick enough at this stage, BUT rather than spending money on an incubator, etc., I'd just go with oikos' answer. Good luck, and remember if they do hatch to put those babies back where mom was, maybe a few of them will grow up to take her place.

    Enjoy your soup.

    edit: What? Thumbs down because I know why he was cleaning the turtle or because I said they come in their own bowl for a reason? YUM TURTLE!!! I EAT TURTLES!!!

  9. Just leave them alone and wait to see what happens.

  10. If they are shelled, you have a chance. I'm assuming you have left the eggs somplace while you asked this question. Start by getting a felt-tipped marker. Place a mark on top of each egg. That dot must remain up at all times. Sanitize a plastic bag. If you have Oxi-Clean or a similar product, that will do. If you use a bleach solution, rinse the bag out well with tap water. Then, do it a couple of more times. Get some sphagnum moss or absorbent cotton. Wet it and wring out all the water you can. Use it to line the bottom of the bag. Place the bag on a plate or tray. Put the eggs in the bag. Seal the bag and place it where the temperature remains fairly constant. In most houses, the best place is the top of the refrigerator, Be patient for 2-3 months.

  11. just leave them alone if u move them they will die


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