
I was crying when I tried marijuana. is this normal?

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i tried smoking pot with some of my friends a couple of days ago. they said it was "strong" stuff. but anyways when I tried it I felt really really sad. I couldnt stop laughing but yet I was really sad. I started crying for every little reason. I thought my friend was going to break my neck so I started crying "dont break my neck", then I started crying cuz I thought my friends didnt care about me. So i asked my friends if they cared about me and they said "yes", then I started crying because they did care about me...then I got a text saying whats up home dog lol...and I started crying becuz he was calling me a dog. O.o

I know this sounds crazy but...

Is this normal??

Did anyone else experience something like or close to this?

I also thought that my friends sidekick was alive, and I sprayed perfume in my mouth for some reason...

Oh and one more thing my friend got really horny and wanted to do it with Edward Cullen which made me think Im a vampire and I bit my friends leg really hard.




  1. Sounds like you smoked to much! If it was your first time, then don't worry, some people are not meant to use pot. Marijuana sometimes breaks down your normal social inhibitions, meaning your mind will think and do things that you normally wouldn't do or think. Just relax! You'll be ok!

    I don't think it was laced, it would be a totally different experience. I think you would know if it was.

  2. It is illegal, and don't take that junk into your fresh, healthy mind, please? You don't need it, need to get rid of the FRIENDS my goodness...and I LOVE all the advice, all the stoners give you...doesn't anyone think that it would be better for her NOT to even be going there at this or any age? sheesh

  3. keep it up and no one will want to get high with you, EVER.

  4. They probably gave you some mixed ****. You were dumb mostly because you didn't know what you were smoking, and since it was your first time... you should taken something not so strong. Also, some people have random extreme reactions to drugs. Not usually marijuana though since it's natural..

    Oh well, it's obvious that you're not interested in being drug free like myself. but yeah. that's my diagnosis.

  5. Hi Emy, I'm sorry you had such an unusual experience with marijuana.  I bet you regret smoking the stuff! In any case, I think that the marijuana you smoked was either laced or it was high in THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in marijuana.  That's the only reason that I can think of that explains the wacked-out, crazy incessant crying that you demonstrated that day - lol - I know it's not funny to you.  You were probably thinking, "Wtf?"

    So, to reiterate, your experience wasn't normal.  Do you think you'll try it again?

    *Edit:  What could it have been laced with? - Hmm, good question.  The only reason I say that is I did a fair amount of smoking in my youth, high school & mid-twenties, and I never experienced anything remotely similar to your experience.  Maybe others can fathom a guess as to what it could have been laced with, if at all.

  6. i usually get upset when i smoke too. so i guess its normal. but it was probably really bad because you haven't built up a tolerance for marijuana yet. i've been smoking it for so long it takes a ton of hits for me to even get high. so i pretty much just don't do it anymore lol. but anyways, you'll start to get more and more used to it. people can get extremely paranoid and emotional when they are high. everyone's highs are different so just be prepared for anything! if you didn't like it, don't do it. you can do some crazy things if your paranoid.

  7. Pot makes a lot of people paranoid. It affected your emotions and you freaked out over nothing.

  8. To be honest, before I answer this question, I actually question whether this is a joke or not. I have more than half a mind to believe it is.

    All I can say is, don't do drugs, don't even try them, and you won't have to worry about stuff like this.

  9. That's normal, it was really strong stuff and it was your first time. You shouldn't smoke that much your first time but your fine :]

  10. this is normal

    The problem with trying any drugs you can have a good trip or a bad one.

    Good one where you're in a daze laughing so hard and its good fun

    bad trips are where literally every little thing makes you upset depressed and scares you. Be careful because many people do drugs have bad trips and become schizophrenic from this

    but answering your question it is some what normal. You just had a bad trip

  11. Not that unusual for a first time experience.  Pot makes you experience so many emotions and sensations at once, to the beginner it is easy for them to start to combine.  Like laughter followed by crying--it's called emotional lability.  

  12. some pot makes people cry, i've seen it happen too.  (god d**n my ******* dog smells like ****, get the **** out of my room)

    anyways, it's a rare side effect for it to make you feel absolute sad about everything.

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