
I was diagnosed for reflux laryngitis, what can alternative medicine do for me?

by Guest62842  |  earlier

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Conventional medicines have helped me a lot but I would like to know what other options I have. Thanks!




  1. Ouch.... Well, there's a few options. First, I would get some liquid Aloe Vera and slowly swallow some throughout the day... but try to stick within the recommended dose because too much can give you a diuretic effect (usually 4-8 ounces would do that, but each person's system is different, so be careful until you find your threshold). Either the watery liquid or the gel will work, but the gel might stay on the effected area for longer... either way, Aloe helps to soothe any tissue it touches, so it'll help calm your throat.

    For long-term benefits, I would also suggest Peppermint Oil and/or DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) to help soothe the stomach itself.

    Also, if your stomach acidity is too high (causing the reflux), you might not have enough minerals in your daily diet, or you're ingesting too many acidic foods. If you don't have enough minerals, a nutritionist can help you find out which ones you need. If it's the acidic foods, you can either cut down or try a few herbs like Yams, Parsley, Burdock, Chickweed, Bladderwrack, and/or Buchu. Good luck!

  2. Well, alternatives might work, but with laryngitis I'd stay away from any kind of smoking. Maybe orally if you can stand the taste. Maybe even brew a tea, never tried it.

  3. I would try acupuncture..I know someone that used it for that..and myself have used it for extreme intestinal problems

    combined with chinese herbs it had quiet and amazing healing effect on  me personally..good luck on the bottom of this page is acupunturist finder along with lots of information on it out see if it helps

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