
I was diagnosed with lyme diesease a couple of months ago?

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I took the anti bodics for 30 days but the thing is my family think that i exgarate all the time about it. They don't understand how tired i am all the time they blame it on the weed but even wen i dont smoke at all im still tired all day and don't feel like doing anyting. And the doctors don't do sh*t i just keep going back for blood test they don't no sh*t or know anything




  1. I'm sorry that your family doesn't understand what it's like for you to be sick with Lyme. As someone with Lyme, I can sympathize. It's like when you're sick, they treat you as if you did something wrong. The doctors not treating it as something serious is probably the worst part, and contributes to everyone belittling your experience and condition.

    Extreme fatigue is a very common symptom of Lyme.

    It's also very common for the 30 day round of antibiotics to not provide curative relief.

    And lastly, it's common that the doctors don't do sh*t after the first 30 days of abx.

    So, what to do now? Here are some ideas:

    1) Talk to your parents politely about this, and explain to them that you need to get to see a LLMD, or lyme literate medical doctor.

    If you get to see a good one, they can bring your parents up to speed.

    2) You could also do some research and study on Lyme so that you know what you're dealing with, and what you need to do to get better.

    This is an unusual stance to take, as we normally look to doctors for this. With Lyme, you will benefit greatly from taking this approach, because there are usually a variety of things you need to do to get better, and they take self-direction.

    Another idea is to look into the salt-c protocol. This might give you some results and be affordable.

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