
I was diagnosed with scoliosis a couple days ago. i am in the army. am i able to get a medical discharge?

by  |  earlier

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been in military for about 9 months. my first unit for 2 months




  1. with the short time in the service you may only get a severence package but check with the army medical board

  2. my mom got a medical discharge for it

  3. I have a five degree curvature and it hasn't bothered me a bit.  

    You do not want a medical discharge.  Learn your job, apply yourself to the best of your abilities, take every class that's offered to you and separate on your ETS with your GI Bill intact.  

  4. I think so.People get medical discharges for less.

  5. Go to your PAC and ask them.

  6. If it is lumbar scoliosis greater than 20 degrees or thoracic scoliosis greater than 30 degrees as measured by the Cobb method you should have never gotten in. Scoliosis is developmental. Should your curvature exceed the standards described earlier you will be given a general discharge for a pre-existing condition in accordance with Chapter 5 of Army Regulation 635-200. The source below is the medical standard for that condition.  

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