
I was doing some research on Eastern Astrology and it the sign that is both the most beautiful and lucky is?

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The Rabbit.... I find it so interesting that the horoscopes single out the Rabbit as the most beautiful and lucky?

How did the Rabbit sign get so lucky? (LOL)




  1. How lucky are rabbits? People cut off their feet for luck. Didn't help the rabbit at all, did it?

  2. Interesting. Different cultures of their different views. I am familar with the pagan belief of rabbits but am in no way implying that it is the same with the chinese. Easter is not a christian holiday (at least christianity wasent its origins) Easter was a pagan holiday the corresponded with the spring equinox when the harsh coldness and barreness of winter begin to melt away and everything became fertile,warm and full of life once more.The pagans revered the rabbit for its fertility and life. It was much later with the christian crusades came about was easter associated with jesus. Jesus rose from the dead around the same time of  the Beltane Festival (spring equinox) and to keep the peace the pagans and christians beliefs were combined. The pagans kept their rabbit as a symbol while the christians equated jesuses rebirth with the festival and called it easter. It was even later that the rabbit became the easter bunny that we know today.

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