
I was driving at 120 mph on a motorway at midnite i went past a police car it never pulled me what will happen

by  |  earlier

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I was driving at 120 mph on a motorway at midnite i went past a police car it never pulled me what will happen




  1. These days officers can use technology to capture your license plate on your car and issue you a ticket in the mail.

    If this cop did it this way, then anticipate a speeding ticket in the mail.

  2. Nothing............

  3. He was probably asleep or otherwise predisposed.  You should consider yourself most fortunate.  I would request that if not for your own sake, for the sake of others that aren't prepared to get out of your way that you refrain from this reckless behavior before innocent people are killed and you're standing in court trying to explain your Need for Speed to the family left behind.

    Is is really worth it?

  4. Nuthing there cars arnt exactly fast he probably figerd you where doing top speed run and knows at that time of day it isnt worth trying catch up or follow. I have done same but in my sports car does that in 3rd gear.

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