
I was driving my friend's rental car,was hit from behind.The insurance use my friend's name.Is this my fault?

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I was driving a car that my friend rent and had an insurance under his name. He asked me to drive because he felt not good that day. While I was drive in I-5, The car in front of me just stop, I hit my brake and got hit from the back. I paid my friend's rental car damage because the rental car company didn't cover if I was the one who drive the car.

But the Insurance company of the driver who hit me from behind asked me to pay his client's damage. They said even though I was hit from behind, It's still my fault because I don't have any insurance and have to pay the damage. Is it my fault? Do I have to pay his damage because I don't have any insurance under my name? By the way I am in Washington State.




  1. Well, you're wrong about one thing.   If your friend rented a car, YOU don't have insurance under his name.  Period. It doesn't work that way.  But I guess you're learning that.

    Regarding fault, the laws of fault vary by state.  It IS possible, that you CAN be held at fault for this because you have no insurance.  But this is a LEGAL question, and you're going to need to ask an attorney.  OR, you can just wait for them to sue you and garnish your wages.

  2. NOO.

    At least, I don;t think so.

    The insurance companies normally battle it out between themselves, and as you have no insurance, they aren't battling and so their insurance will automatically say it's your fault. Go get a lawyer!

    I could be wrong about this, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

  3. Try to possess as much information as you can maybe is one option,however it is time consuming,here is the one i have ever had good experience with.

  4. I recommend you find a local auto insurance agent to assist you. Since I live in Hawaii I can't recommend an agent in Washington, but here is an online resource that can help you.

    Good Luck.

  5. He's at fault for the accident if he rear-ended you.  Whether you have insurance or not, he's still at fault.

  6. Contact the rental company, and let them know that you received a subrogation notice.  You are not at-fault for the accident just because you were not covered at the time of the loss.  Fault is determined by negligence.  How were you negligent for the accident?  

    In most states, you cannot deny the compulsory liability limits.  In Washington they are $10k.   The rental company and/or their insurer should take care of this for you.

  7. NO - you pay IF it is your fault.  Not having insurance does NOT make every accident your fault.

    Tell them to go s***w themselves.  Or better tell them to talk to your lawyer (get a lawyer).  They are just trying to intimidate you.

    Good Luck...

  8. that is whack, it is not your fault that you were rear ended, and so its doesn't matter if you had insurance or not. If someone rear ends you, THEIR insurance is the one that has to cover it. Insurance or not you shouldn't have to pay anything out for someone rear ending you, not having insurance doesn't mean its your fault. talk to a lawyer if you can, cause this shouldn't be happening.

  9. DO NOT PAY THEM!  If you were hit from behind, it is the other drivers fault.  The fact that you did not have insurance has nothing to do with whose fault it was.  They are trying to pull a fast one.  If they pursue this, you will have to consider hiring a lawyer

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